
zhènɡ fǎ xì
  • Department of Politics and Law
  1. 研究对象为浙江师范大学(计算机系和政法系的)二年级文、理科学生共67人。

    The subjects under the investigation were 67 second-year students from 2 classes at Zhejiang Normal University .

  2. 我们政法系的英语演讲比赛到此就圆满结束了,同时也为我们的英语周划上了一个美满的句号。

    The English contest organized by the politics and law department completed successfully , which also brought a perfect ending to our English week .

  3. 21岁的丁勇是中国政法大学法律系大三学生。

    Ding Yong , a 21-year-old junior in law at China University of Political Science and Law ( CUPL ) .

  4. 以西南政法大学新闻学系的学生素质教育实践为例,进一步论证了实施素质教育对于培养创新人才的重要作用。

    A typical example of quality education practice to the students at the news department of Southwest University of Politics and Law is given to prove the importance of quality education in training creative professionals .

  5. 我于1985年7月毕业于中国政法大学法律系,自同年8月参加工作以来,始终在经济庭从事审判工作,对外商投资企业的虚假投资问题所引发的纠纷,格外关注。

    I graduated from Law Department of China Political-legal University in July 1985 and started employment in August Since then 1 have been working on trial at economic court and paying particular attention to the disputes caused by fake investment of foreign invested enterprises .

  6. 试论英语+法律复合型人才培养模式&来自西北政法学院法律外语系的调查报告

    On the Model of Training English + Law Talented Persons & A Report from the Department of Foreign Languages Law , Northwest University of Politics Law

  7. 西北政法学院法律外语系在这方面进行了有益的尝试,并取得了一定的成功经验。

    The department of Foreign Languages and Law of Northwest University of Political Science and Law has made a good try and accumulated some successful experiences in this field .

  8. 实验对象为河北政法职业学院外语系2008级应用英语以及法律英语专业两个班共95名学生,其中实验班48人,控制班47人。

    The subjects are 95 sophomore students in two different classes of Hebei Professional College of Political Science and Law , of whom 48 students are from the Practical English and they belong to experimental class while 47 students are from the Legal English and belong to the control one .