
  • 网络Political Decay
  1. 反之,则会造成政治衰败(或称政治不发展)。

    Otherwise , it will lead to political decline ( or political underdevelopment ) .

  2. 社会资本视域下的政府治理问题研究社会资本视野下的晚清政治衰败分析

    Study on the Government Governance Form the View of Social Capital Analysis of the Later Qing Dynasty 's Political Deterioration from the Perspective of Political Culture

  3. 他和他的政治生涯不久便衰败了。

    He and his political affairs soon went to the bad .

  4. 哲学中关于正义问题的思考可追溯至古希腊,而20世纪的最初70年政治哲学前所未有地衰败了,正义这一论题也几乎完全被忽略了。

    Philosophical thinking about justice dates back to the ancient Greeks , yet in the first seventy years of the 20th century political philosophy and political theory languished and the topic of justice was almost totally neglected .

  5. 钱穆也认为中国传统政治中央集权过度、地方政治衰败,社会的平铺化导致社会缺乏力量是中国传统政治的主要结构性缺陷。

    QIAN Mu pointed out that the main structural defects of ancient Chinese politics was over centralization of government , local politics ' decay and social impotence induced by tiled society .

  6. 传统政治文化的弊端渗透在民初议会政治运作的各个环节中,为民初议会政治走向衰败埋下了不可忽视的隐患。

    The drawbacks of traditional political culture permeated all aspects of Parliamentary politics in the early years of Republic of China , which planted the hidden dangers for its failure .