
  • 网络political lyric poetry
  1. 在阳光和阴影的交错与融合中流变的政治抒情诗,给我们提供了思考的空间和样本。

    The political lyric poetry , which changed in the crisscrossing and merging of the Sunlight and the Shade , provides us with space and samples for thinking deeply .

  2. 中国现代政治抒情诗与阳光派传统密切相关,有着鲜明的时代特征、突出的审美风格以及不可避免的历史局限性。

    The Chinese modern political lyric poetry , which has outstanding features of the times , a striking aesthetic style and inevitable historical limitations , is closely related to the tradition of the Sunlight School .

  3. 屈原是中国历史上第一位伟大诗人,其代表作《离骚》是中国文学史上最长的一首自传体政治抒情诗。

    Qu Yuan is the first poet in the Chinese history .

  4. 强度厚度力度&新时期政治抒情诗的浪漫主义特质

    Romantic Traits in the Political Lyrics of the New Period

  5. 对当代文学政治抒情诗的话语分析

    The discourse-analysis of the political lyric of China contemporary literature

  6. 其中,政治抒情诗是闪烁着现实主义光芒的一组优秀诗篇;

    Among them , the lyrics for politics are the best that reflect realism ;

  7. 政治抒情诗:渊源与嬗变

    Political Lyrics : Its Origin and Evolution

  8. 在阳光与阴影之间&中国现代政治抒情诗与新诗传统

    Between Sunlight and Shadow & Modern Chinese Political Lyrics and the Tradition of Modern Chinese Poetry

  9. 改革开放新时期以后出现的政治抒情诗,我们称之为第三代政治抒情诗。第三代政治抒情诗的主要特征是:在诗与情感的关系上,体现出平实品质;

    Political Lyrics appearing after the new period are known As political Lyrics of the Third Generation .

  10. 董仲舒的《士不遇赋》,是汉代政治抒情诗的代表作之一。

    Dong Zhongshu 's " Shibuyufu " was one of the representative works of the political lyrics in Han Dynast .

  11. 郭小川作为政治抒情诗的杰出代表,无疑是研究评价十七年诗歌的最佳视角。

    Guo Xiaochuan as outstanding representatives of political lyrics , is to study the evaluation of 17 years is undoubtedly the best view poetry .

  12. 政治抒情诗阶段,绿原对社会已有一定的认识,开始把自己的理想建筑在社会的解放上;

    Political poems manifest he has got some idea of his time and begins to build his ideality on the liberation of the whole society ;

  13. 并且在政治抒情诗的创作中,贺敬之用激情的诗句高扬理想主义的光辉,为共和国的人们点燃了希望之光。

    He Jingzhi holds high the glory of the idealism and lights the hope in the people 's heart in our country by the enthusiast line .

  14. 雪莱的抒情诗按其思想内容分为政治抒情诗,自然抒情诗和爱情抒情诗三部分。

    According to its ideological content , Shelley 's lyrics can be divided into three sections : lyrics for politics , lyrics for nature and lyrics for love .

  15. 诗人注目时代的发展与国家的命运,创作出许多把小“我”和时代、国家联系在一起,高扬主旋律的政治抒情诗;

    The times we paid more attention to poets and the fate of country created so many political lyric poetries which developed the main melody and linked individuals with times and their country .

  16. 第二部分主要结合具体的文本,分析新时期政治抒情诗的艺术表现,一是象征性意象和转喻性语言,二是反复渲染与铺陈的句式和章法。

    The second part mainly is the combination of specific texts , analysis of the New Political Lyrics artistic performance ; first , exaggerates repeatedly with the sentence type which methodicalness lays out ; second , the symbolic image and the extension explain of the language .

  17. 政治抒情诗的源头有两个:中国新诗中的浪漫派和西方19世纪浪漫派,其所具备的接受环境为政治抒情诗提供了发展乃至高潮的契机。

    There are two sources for the political lyrics : the Romantic school in the new Chinese poems , and the Western Romantic school in the 19th century . The reception environment provided the opportunity of " development " and " climax " for the political lyrics .

  18. 其次,他的政治抒情诗有配合政策的应景之作,有发自肺腑的抒发与当时政策相吻合的战歌颂歌,也有个人所思所感与主流政策相矛盾的迷茫之作。

    Second , his political lyrics with an occasional line with policy making , are from the heart of the express policy was consistent with the praise songs of war , but also individual thought and felt in the mainstream of the confusion of contradictory policies for .

  19. 政治性与诗性的关系是郭小川政治抒情诗研究的切入点。

    The relationship between political and poetic study is the starting point Guo Xiaochuan political lyrics .