
  • 网络Political Compromise
  1. 政治妥协蕴含着工具理性与价值理性的统一。

    Political compromise contains the unity of instrumental rationality and valuable rationality .

  2. 政治妥协与西方政治发展

    Political compromise and political development in the west

  3. 其次,在WTO内部,法官在一定情况下,须适度且必要地向政治妥协。

    Secondly , under certain circumstances , it is necessary for the judges to compromise with political actors .

  4. 但马英九一直小心地将经济让步与政治妥协区分开来。

    But Mr Ma has carefully distinguished economic from political concessions .

  5. 他立场坚定,反对任何政治妥协。

    He 's a hardliner opposed to any political settlement .

  6. 公开、明化最后总是以政治妥协收场。

    Public transparency is always a political compromise .

  7. 持续不断的政治妥协和制度的自我强化,可以使政治系统得以生存和延续,因此也就具备了适应性和复杂性。

    Sustainable political compromises and systematic intensification lead to the existence and continuation of adaptive and complicated political systems .

  8. 通过对美国政治妥协机制有机运行的剖析,本文总结了美国政治发展中所形成的纵向和横向两大妥协机制。

    By analysing the process of political compromise mechanism of the United States , this paper summarizes two compromise mechanisms .

  9. 自苏联解体后,西方思想家想当然地认为,西方再也不需要进行地缘政治妥协了。

    After the collapse of the Soviet Union , western thinkers assumed the West would never need to make geopolitical compromises .

  10. 民国时期出现的政治妥协是当时政治发展环境的产物。

    Political compromise during the period of the Republic of China is a product of the environment for political development then .

  11. 而中西方的历史实践表明,中国政治妥协价值回归的必要性。

    But the historical practices in the west and China indicate the necessity of the value return of Chinese political compromise .

  12. 文章所分析的几次典型的政治妥协在美国的政治发展中都有着重大的历史意义,并且代表了几种不同的政治妥协形式,因此极具代表性。

    These several typical political compromises which are analysed in this paper represent different forms of political compromise and have great historical significance .

  13. 欧洲官员达成的、跳过金融市场把希腊、爱尔兰和葡萄牙债务转换为欧洲债券的政治妥协,将挽救欧元区。

    A political bargain in Brussels that leapfrogged financial markets by switching Greek , Irish and Portuguese debt into Eurobonds would rescue the eurozone .

  14. 用一句话总结,他愿意达成临时的政治妥协,这也正是茶党看他不爽的原因。

    In short , he is willing to embrace the odd political compromise , which is exactly what the tea party holds against him .

  15. 实际上,西方在乌克兰的惨败,直接源于西方鼓动乌克兰民众上街抗议、而非鼓励对立阵营政治妥协。

    Indeed , the Ukraine fiasco is a direct result of the west encouraging street protests instead of encouraging political compromise between the two camps .

  16. 第三部分是文章的重点,主要是通过分析上述几次极具代表性的政治妥协历史,进而阐述美国政治发展中所形成的政治妥协机制的特点,并分析美国较为成熟的政治妥协机制。

    It expatiates the characteristics of political compromise mechanism and analyses the mature political compromise mechanism of the United States through analysing above representative histories .

  17. 这些特性均在前文对政治妥协实例的分析中得以展现,就如何应对不同类型的政治妥协问题具有重要参考价值。

    These features are exhibited in the above examples ' analysis which has important referenced value to deal with the different types of political compromise .

  18. 政治妥协是一种极高的政治智慧,中西方的传统政治文化中皆蕴涵着深刻的妥协精神。

    In the traditional political culture of western and Chinese areas , there is profound spirit of compromise which is a very abstruse political wisdom .

  19. 然而无论如何,特权的范围界定含糊,因为有关行政特权的争议一般是通过政治妥协而不是通过法院诉讼得到解决的。

    However , the scope of the privilege is ill-defined , because disputes over executive privilege are ordinarily resolved through political compromise rather than court litigation .

  20. 在本文的第三部分,笔者从本体论、认识论、价值论三个角度论述了政治妥协产生的哲学根源。

    In the third part of this article , the author discussed the philosophical roots of political compromise from three angles of ontology , epistemology and axiology .

  21. 以美国为代表的一些西方国家则一直延续着政治妥协的精神,并依靠这种精神确立并渐进的完善着自己的政治体制。

    On behalf of some western countries , the United States continually holds the spirit of political compromise and establishes their own political system depending on such spirit .

  22. 韩国政府坚称,平壤炫耀武力是为了恐吓华盛顿与首尔,迫使他们重启谈判,从中赢得政治妥协与援助。

    The South Korean government insists Pyongyang makes displays of force to scare Washington and Seoul into resuming negotiations , from which it can win political concessions and aid .

  23. 奥巴马政府的错误在于,它要求的刺激方案规模太小,特别是在它作出的政治妥协导致这项方案无法发挥它本应具有的效用之后。

    The Obama administration erred in asking for too small a stimulus , especially after making political compromises that caused it to be less effective than it could have been .

  24. 在鸠山和石桥的政治妥协背后,则有着日本保守政治势力普遍把转换对华政策的性质视为与维护国内秩序和与美国协调一致的国际环境相悖的时局观的作用。

    Behind this political compromise the Japanese conservative persons think that changing the policies to China is unfavorable to keeping Japan in order and international environment according with American interest .

  25. 政治妥协是在处理人与社会的关系中产生的,作为人类理性自觉的产物,它将伴随着人类社会发展的始终。

    Political compromise as a conscious product of human reason , in dealing with the relationship between man and society , it will be accompanied by the development of human society .

  26. 而美国作为西方国家中政治妥协机制发展较为成熟的典型,以其为研究对象将对我国构建和谐社会和维护社会稳定有一定的借鉴意义。

    The United States is the typical one with mature political compromise mechanism . So choosing the United States as our studying object is a significant reference to Chinese harmonious and stability .

  27. 政治妥协的价值观则被片面理解为懦弱、屈服、投降、背叛等,并且这种价值观念曾一度在建国初期愈演愈烈。

    The value of political compromise is understood as weakness , surrender , betrayal and so on one-sidedly . And that such values had been increasing in the early stages of nation-building .

  28. 对妥协文化有着高度价值认同的美国政治妥协不但成为了其政治发展的主要手段,更是西方政治妥协的典型。

    The United States ' political compromise which is been highly self-identified to the culture of compromise becomes not only the primary method of political development but also the typical model of western political compromise .

  29. 尽管这种妥协是有限的,但正是这种有限的政治妥协,成就了预备立宪,并在实际上拉开了近代中国政治史上最深刻的一次政治变革的序幕。

    Though this compromise was confined , exactly this confined political compromise achieved the preparation for constitutionalism , and , practically , drew back the prologue of the deepest political reform in the political history of modern China .

  30. 这种文学样式的出现,有政治上妥协于伪满洲国文艺政策的原因,也有商业上迎合市民趣味的原因。

    There were two causes for this literary form : " literary policy " of the puppet regime and commercial catering to the taste of the masses .