
  • 网络Copenhagen accord;Copenhagen agreement
  1. 但是联合国秘书长潘基文说哥本哈根协议只是一个开始。

    But United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon says the Copenhagen Accord is only a beginning .

  2. 美大使馆文电显示,美国使用了间谍、威胁和承诺援助,来获取对哥本哈根协议的支持。

    Embassy dispatches show America used spying , threats and promises of aid to get support for Copenhagen accord .

  3. 联合国环境规划署(unenvironmentprogramme)近期发表的一项研究发现,哥本哈根协议中的承诺将不足以将气温升幅控制在2摄氏度以内。

    A study published recently by the UN Environment Programme found that the pledges in the accord would not be sufficient to limit temperature rises to 2 degrees Celsius .

  4. 这些国家竭力主张谈判代表们不要放弃达成具有法律约束力的哥本哈根协议。

    Those countries urged negotiators not to give up on a binding pact in Copenhagen .

  5. 我们相信,我们的决定反映了我们在哥本哈根协议中的作用。

    We believe that our decision to be listed reflects the role India played in giving shape to the Copenhagen Accord .

  6. 2009年12月21日19号下午,联合国气候变化大会在达成不具法律约束力的《哥本哈根协议》后闭幕。

    2009-12-21 The UN Climate Change Conference concluded after reaching a legally non-binding Copenhagen Accord on Saturday ( Dec.19 ) afternoon .

  7. 他同许多人都认为,哥本哈根协议的要点必须是对富裕国家碳排放的“深度削减”。

    He agrees with many that the main point of Copenhagen must be " deep , deep cuts " in rich-world emissions .

  8. 这种不同在《京都议定书》里就有所体现,在哥本哈根协议中也会考虑到这点。

    And Kyoto recognized that . Different approaches to common objectives is how we have to consider the Copenhagen treaty . PROFESSOR QI : Great .

  9. 现在我知道了:因为中国正确预测到了奥巴马会为哥本哈根协议的谈判失败承担大部分的指责。

    Now we know why – because China bet , correctly , that Obama would get the blame for the Copenhagen accord 's lack of ambition .

  10. 但昨日,巴西政府称哥本哈根协议“令人失望”,并抱怨说协议中包含的富国对穷国的资金援助不够。

    But yesterday the Brazilian government labelled the accord " disappointing " and complained that the financial assistance it contained from rich to poor countries was insufficient .

  11. 作为去年年底达成的哥本哈根协议的一部分,主要发展中国家首次做出了限制温室气体排放的承诺。

    Leading developing countries for the first time made commitments to limit or curb their greenhouse gas emissions as part of the Copenhagen accords at the end of last year .

  12. 我不肯定[我们可以达成一个长期资助的数目]我不认为这个具体数目是哥本哈根协议的全部意义所在。

    I 'm not quite sure [ we can get a long-term financing number ] ... I don 't think the exact number itself should be all of this Copenhagen deal .

  13. 二是国际法制背景,《联合国气候变化框架公约》、《京都议定书》、《哥本哈根协议》这些国际条约也促进了碳关税产生。

    Second is the international legal background , " the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ", " Kyoto Protocol ", " Copenhagen " These international treaties have also contributed to a carbon tariff .

  14. 为应对这一现实,哥本哈根协议做出一项含糊的承诺:发达国家最终每年将捐出1000亿美元,用于帮助穷国应对气候变化。

    The Copenhagen accord attempts to deal with this reality by offering a vague promise that developed nations will eventually contribute as much as $ 100bn a year to help poor countries cope with climate change .

  15. 在很多方面,中国都被视为哥本哈根协议的少数赢家之一,因为该协议既未要求中国作出任何新的承诺(这将制约其未来的发展),同时巩固了中国作为外交强国的地位。

    China has been seen in many quarters as one of the few winners from the Copenhagen accord after it both avoided any new commitments which might put a brake on its future development and reinforced its position as a powerful diplomatic force .

  16. 不过,在发达国家希望哥本哈根协议包含的另一个元素上,北京仍可能不愿让步。这个元素就是承诺中国的排放量到何时将达到峰值,并对到2050年减排50%的全球目标作出承诺。

    However , Beijing may still hold out on another element that developed countries would like to see as part of a Copenhagen deal a commitment on when the country 's emissions would peak , and a commitment on a global target of halving emissions by 2050 .

  17. 联合国秘书长潘基文(BanKi-moon)一直劝说各国政府在哥本哈根签署协议。

    Ban Ki-moon , secretary-general , has been exhorting governments to seal the deal at Copenhagen .

  18. 但我们必须在哥本哈根达成协议。

    But we have to have a deal at Copenhagen .

  19. 即使与会国家以某种方式在哥本哈根达成协议,协议所涉及的二氧化碳减排承诺亦很难让人信服。

    Even if a deal is somehow struck at Copenhagen , it will involve promised reductions of CO2 emissions that seem literally incredible .

  20. 哥本哈根气候协议也许令人失望,但它推动各国政府向着正确方向稍微迈进了一步。

    The Copenhagen climate accord may have been a damp squib , but it pushed governments a bit further in the right direction .

  21. 富国对穷国的资助,一直被视为在哥本哈根达成协议的四个根本要素之一。

    Financial assistance from the rich to the poor world has long been regarded as one of the four elements essential for a deal at Copenhagen .

  22. 4.2010年,各国是否能够达成哥本哈根会后新协议?

    Will a post-Copenhagen deal be struck in 2010 ?

  23. 我们不能把哥本哈根变成自杀协议。

    We cannot make Copenhagen a pact for suicide .

  24. 在哥本哈根成功达成协议,将使最有力的全球刺激计划成为可能。

    A successful deal in Copenhagen offers the most potent global stimulus package possible .

  25. 美国未能通过气候变化法案意味着哥本哈根峰会达成协议将被延后。

    The U.S. 's failure to pass climate-change legislation has meant a delay in a deal at Copenhagen .

  26. 相反,与会代表可能会认为,这一思路应进一步研究,并将在明年各国政府采取行动,将哥本哈根达成的协议变成完全具有法律约束力的条约时,再继续讨论其前景。

    Instead , delegates are likely to agree that the idea should be examined further , and to continue discussing the prospects next year , when governments will work on turning any agreement from Copenhagen into a full legally binding treaty .

  27. Ramesh告诉议会,在哥本哈根达成的最终协议保障了发展中国家的权益。

    Ramesh told Parliament that the final accord at Copenhagen s the rights of developing countries .

  28. 欧洲能源集团意昂(eon)此前承诺,若能在哥本哈根达成有力的协议,该集团将加快自己的减排速度。

    Eon , the European energy group , had pledged to cut its emissions faster if there was a strong deal at Copenhagen .

  29. 大多数人确实相信,如果在哥本哈根未能缔结国际协议,后果将是灾难性的。

    Most genuinely believe that a failure to achieve an international agreement in Copenhagen would be catastrophic .

  30. 不会的,我们不能在哥本哈根达成半个协议,然后搁置另一半到以后讨论。

    No – we cannot do half a deal in Copenhagen and postpone the rest till later .