
  1. 湿法熄焦过程中,熄焦水与焦炭中的部分污染物会转变为气态形式转移排放到大气中。

    During the wet extinguishing coke process , parts of the pollution in water and coke were transformed gaseity and discharged to atmosphere .

  2. 因此,碳排放的研究应该考虑到国际投资和贸易引发的转移性排放。

    Therefore , the research on carbon emissions should consider the international investment .

  3. 在此基础上,我们研究了区际产业转移演化为碳排放转移的现实可能性及其危害。

    On this basis , we focus on the real possibility of carbon emissions ' transfer in the inter-regional industrial transfer .

  4. 一个统一处理的部分移动高速需要高效率能量转移的动力源的排放区域。

    An uniform treatment of parts moving at high speed requires high efficiency energy transfer from the power source to the discharge region .

  5. 在开放经济条件下,发达国家倾向于发展具有更高附加值的产业,更多地依赖进口发展中国家的高能耗商品,隐含了向发展中国家转移的部分碳排放污染。

    Under the condition of open economy , developed countries tend to develop higher value-added industries , relying more on importing high energy consumption goods of developing countries .