
  1. 上一次国会会议,我们落实了实现宏观经济稳定和促进工作的改革。

    In the last Parliament , we put in place reforms to achieve macroeconomic stability and to promote work .

  2. 在南非举行的金砖国家峰会闭幕,会议并没有落实设立共同发展银行的细节问题。

    The BRICS summit in South Africa has come to a conclusion without finalizing the details surrounding the establishment of a mutual development bank .

  3. 监理人员应根据会议纪要要求或专题报告精神,加强对施工单位的纠偏实施进行跟踪,督促其根据会议要求予以落实。

    The supervisor shall strengthen the follow-up on the deviation-correction implementation by the construction company in accordance with the meeting minutes or subjective report and supervise and urge it to carry out the actions according to the requirements of meeting .