
huì jí
  • assemble;gather together;gather;bring together
会集 [huì jí]
  • [gather;assemble;bring together] 聚集

  • 鸣锣会集。--《广东军务记》

会集[huì jí]
  1. 学生在礼堂会集。

    The pupils assembled [ were assembled ] in the school hall .

  2. 欧盟的行政部门欧洲委员会对此事表达了担忧,委员会发言人ChristianeHohmann告诉记者,欧盟官员正会集基希讷乌讨论这次危机事件。

    The EU 's executive branch , the European Commission , has expressed concern over the situation . A Commission spokeswoman , Christiane Hohmann , told reporters that EU officials are gathering in Chisinau to discuss the crisis .

  3. 即将召开的20国峰会让关键国家的领导人会集一堂。

    The upcoming G-20 Summit draws the key national leaders together .

  4. 地道的国际性宾馆,商人和休闲旅客的会集地。

    Truly international hotel , where the Businessmen and leisure tourists meet .

  5. 不锈钢会集管点蚀的研究

    Study on Pitting Corrosion of the Stainless Steel Convergence Tube

  6. 拉曼谱仪新聚光会集系统研制及用于电化学时间分辨研究的初步结果

    New Collection Lens System of Raman Spectrometer for Electrochemical Time-resolved Raman Measurements

  7. 这两个世界在那血腥的夜晚会集。

    And those worlds converged that bloody night .

  8. 会合会集到一起的行动或过程;会面。

    The act or process or an instance of coming together ; an encounter .

  9. 现代通讯技术能使世界各地的人都会集在一起。

    Modern technology of communication can bring the people from all over the world together .

  10. 女人们则聚集在井边,这儿是他们会集的场所,说长道短的中心。

    The women had gathered at the well which was their meeting place and center of gossip .

  11. 3月13日,拉丁美洲国家的外交使团会集在白宫东厅。

    On March 13 the Latin American diplomatic corps assembled in the East Room of the White House .

  12. 是,我想会集这个模型,但没有指示,并且我不可能被折除。

    Yes , I wanted to gather this model , but there is no instruction and I cannot be dismantled .

  13. 曼斯菲尔德的现代小说叙述艺术&《园会集》技巧探微

    Mansfield 's Modern Narrative Art in her Short Stories - On the fictional techniques of The Garden Party and Other Stories

  14. 两年前,一批富有的对冲基金和私募股权投资公司会集香港和新加坡,寻求亚洲巨大商机。

    TWO years ago a flock of wealthy hedge funds and private-equity firms converged on Hong Kong and Singapore , sensing vast opportunities in Asia .

  15. 公众会集地方用花,礼物装饰并且蜡烛被交换并且人口,奴隶和大师,庆祝充满伟大热情场合。

    Public gathering places were decorated with flowers , gifts and candles were exchanged and the population , slaves and masters alike , celebrated the occasion with great enthusiasm .

  16. 完备的产业链,使本地会集了业内众多的优秀人才,再加上本企业十余年的积累,企业的各道工序,已涌现出大批身怀绝技的高级技师。

    Perfect industry chain attracts many talents to gather here , after more than ten years'experience , our company now has many skilled and senior technicians in each working procedure .

  17. 作为多种佛教艺术的会集之地、弘扬佛教和举办多种佛事活动的中心场合&佛教寺庙,对佛教的发展和传播有十分重要的作用。

    Teach reform shun As a variety of buddhist art , Buddhism and rarely hold many buddhist centre on occasions-buddhist temple , the development of Buddhism and have very important role .

  18. 他的声音在宫殿大厅里就象打雷一样:“灭绝巴比伦所有的哲士!”王的护卫长亚略,迅速地去会集所有哲士。

    No doubt the palace halls thundered with the king 's loud command : " Destroy ALL the wisemen of Babylon ! " Arioch , the captain of the king 's guard , went rapidly to work gathering all the wisemen .

  19. 为了进一步提高拉曼谱仪检测灵敏度,对S3000型拉曼光谱仪的聚光会集系统进行了重新设计,新设计的聚光会集系统可以显著提高拉曼散射光的光强,理论上收集光强增大9倍。

    In order to improve detection sensitivity , the collection lens system of the 53000 Raman spectrometer has been redesigned . With a special homemade collection lens system , the intensity of Raman scattering light can be improved considerably , up to a factor of nine theoretically .