
  • 网络Self-deprecation;self-abasement;self-denigration;self-dispraise
自贬 [zì biǎn]
  • [self-abasement] 基于感到本人低下、有罪或羞愧而产生的一种自卑感

  1. 他们需要提升自己的形象——他们是在自贬身价。

    They need to improve their image — they are selling themselves short

  2. 不要自贬身份,不要学他们那样。

    Don 't lower yourself , don 't be the way they are

  3. 她是个自尊心很强的人,绝不会自贬身份去写匿名信。

    She 's got too much dignity to descend to writing anonymous letters .

  4. 我不会表现得像个疑神疑鬼的妻子一样自贬身价。

    I wasn 't going to demean myself by acting like a suspicious wife .

  5. 那样做只能使你自贬身价。

    It 's only cheapening yourself to behave like that .

  6. 出卖朋友的人实际上是自贬身份。

    A man who betrays a friend abases himself .

  7. 出卖朋有的人实际上是自贬身份。

    A man who betrays a abases himself .

  8. 在我们的世界里,除了恐惧、狂怒、得意、自贬以外,没有别的感情

    In our world there will be no emotions except fear , rage , triumph , and self-abasement .

  9. 这种自贬式营销手段并非前无古人。

    These are not the first firms to use self-deprecating marketing .

  10. 说脏话者只会自贬身分。

    A man who uses bad language will only abase himself .

  11. 我不愿自贬身份去和那个女人说话。

    I wouldn 't lower myself to speak to that woman .

  12. 我不想自贬到弗兰克的档次

    I don 't want to degenerate to Frank 's level .

  13. 不尊重别人的人同时也自贬了身份。

    A man who never respect others will abase hisself .

  14. 甜心,你最近的自贬是自知之明。

    Honey , lately your low self-esteem is just good common sense .

  15. 跟她说话?我可不自贬人格。

    Speak to her ? I 'd never lower myself .

  16. 那名政客自贬身份与品格有问题的人交往。

    The politician condescended to meet socially with men of questionable character .

  17. 不要冲你兄弟大喊大叫而自贬身份。

    Don 't demean yourself by shouting at your brother .

  18. 我不会自贬身份去乞讨和偷窃。

    I wouldn 't stoop to begging and stealing .

  19. 用不当的举止自贬身份。

    To degrade yourself by your disgusting behaviour .

  20. 他觉得如果他回复那封充满辱骂的信,会自贬身份。

    He felt he would demean himself if he replied to the scurrilous letter .

  21. 有位妇女拒绝洗礼,结果自贬身份。

    One woman refused to abide by this and abase herself in this way .

  22. 他并不是自贬身价地与她们交往,而是似乎乐于与她们交往。

    He did not condescend to their society , he seemed glad of it .

  23. 不要自贬身价,以免被人看轻。

    Don 't make yourself a mouse , or the cat will eat you .

  24. 你不认为她那么做是自贬身份吗?

    Don 't you think she is abased herself so far to do it ?

  25. 他偶尔也自贬身价接受贿赂。

    He occasionally condescended to take bribes .

  26. 幽默的人需要渊博的知识,其以自贬的笑话取悦人们或提出建议。

    Humorous persons need profound knowledge and some self-deprecating jokes to entertain people or advise .

  27. 薄伽丘对性关系的处理经常是生动细致地描绘,经常是风趣诙谐的,但从不自贬身份。

    Boccaccio 's treatment of sexual relations is often graphic , often witty , but never demeaning .

  28. 但是大多数题词人似乎都很热衷于这项全民自贬的运动。

    But most contributors seems to favour engaging in a popular national sport of self deprecation ( 7 ) .

  29. 于是,你达到迷恋的终点——残酷无情地自贬。

    So that 's it . You have now reached infatuation 's final destination - the complete and merciless devaluation of self .

  30. 基于人力资本理论,研究人力资本产权的私有性、人力资本产权残缺的自贬性、人力资本产权的依附性以及人力资本产权的不可抵押性。

    According to the Human Capital Theory , we argue that the human capital has the nature of private ownership , handicapped self-debasement , dependence and un-mortgage .