
  • 网络own room;A Room of One's Own;A Room of Ones Own;A Room of One s Own
  1. 我有自己的房间,所以还不错。

    I 've got my own room so I 'm well off .

  2. 珍妮弗坚持要有自己的房间。

    Jennifer insisted on her own room

  3. 菲利普进了自己的房间,随手把门关上。

    Philip went into his room and shut the door behind him .

  4. 你该打扫自己的房间了!

    It 's about time you cleaned your room !

  5. 她想要一个完全属于自己的房间。

    She wants a room all to herself .

  6. 他从不收拾自己的房间,而他妈也从不要求他收拾。

    He never cleans his room and his mother never tries to make him .

  7. 我需要有一间自己的房间。

    I need a room of my own .

  8. 他进了自己的房间。

    He betook himself to his room .

  9. 父亲威胁说,我们要是不把自己的房间收拾干净,他就每星期扣我们1英镑的零花钱。

    Dad threatened to stop £ 1 a week from our pocket money if we didn 't clean our rooms .

  10. 她整理了床铺,收拾了自己的房间。

    She made her bed , and tidied her room .

  11. 布莱克神思恍惚地回到了自己的房间。

    Like a man in a trance , Blake found his way back to his rooms

  12. 他真希望自己的房间离卫生间不那么远,没别的办法,只能走上长长的一段穿过屋子。

    He wished he was not in a room so far from the bathroom . There was nothing for it but a long trudge through the house .

  13. 他躲进自己的房间给她打电话。

    He retired to his room to call her .

  14. 那对双胞胎小跑着进了自己的房间。

    The twins trotted into their room .

  15. 除了他自己的房间外,他到处都找遍了。

    He has looked for it everywhere but in his own room .

  16. 你想让自己的房间充满生机吗?还是想让房间更职业化?

    Do you want a room that 's full of life ? Professional ?

  17. 这把风琴看上去并不是很惹人喜爱,据我了解母亲就拒绝把它放到自己的房间,因此父亲只好把它带到了位于阿斯彭的房子,因为在他眼里这把风琴可是价值不菲。

    It 's not very attractive and I was told that my mother refused to have it in her house so my father put it in his Aspen home as he thought the organ was great .

  18. keith来的时候,就可以有自己的房间了。

    So Keith can have his own room when he visits .

  19. 现在如果我们再在奶奶家借宿,Clifford也有自己的房间了。

    Now when we sleep at Grandma 's Clifford has his own room , too .

  20. 确实有一些变化:比如说,喜达屋的应用让你只要在门前挥舞手表,就能在全球各处的W酒店打开自己的房间。

    There are a few twists : An app from Starwood , for instance , will allow you to unlock your room at any W Hotel in the world by waving your watch in front of the door .

  21. 在学校里待了一整天后,INJ可能一回家就直奔自己的房间独自待着。

    After a long day of school , the INJ may head to their room to spend some time alone .

  22. 但是Piyah每晚都会在自己的房间里练习唱歌,并梦想着能成为一名歌手。

    But the young teen would retreat to her bedroom each evening to practise her songs and work on her dreams of becoming a singer .

  23. 想一想——在我想到我的女儿玛莉娅(Malia)和萨夏(Sasha)的时候,她俩一个11岁,一个8岁,她们可以从自己的房间里上网,游历到上海。

    Think about -- when I think about my daughters , Malia and Sasha -- one is 11 , one is 8 -- from their room , they can get on the Internet and they can travel to Shanghai .

  24. 我很喜欢自己的房间,因为它处处充满了我的气息。

    I loved my room because it was all about me .

  25. 他回到自己的房间去找他的手表。

    He went back to his room to find his watch .

  26. 我想要一个属于自己的房间。

    I 'll only take the job on my own terms .

  27. 在这段时间中,菲德先生回到他自己的房间里去;

    In the meantime Mr Feeder withdrew to his own room ;

  28. 再说,它们在这儿还能有自己的房间。

    And plus , here they 'd have their own room .

  29. 年轻人很礼貌地将自己的房间让给了奥斯丁小姐。

    The young man saved his room for Miss Austin politely .

  30. 马丽不想喝热饮,直接进了自己的房间。

    Mary declined a hot drink and went to her room .