
  • 网络Rules Of Engagement
  1. 同时有谣言称,本剧还会有《约会规则》(RulesOfEngagemen)的主演奥兰多琼斯加盟。

    Also rumoured to have signed up for the show is Rules Of Engagement actor Orlando Jones .

  2. 她揭穿了不少所谓专家提议的约会规则中的奥秘。

    She debunked a number of myths related to the so-called expert rules of dating .

  3. 但是他是假的呀。租来的约会规则可能都是不一样的。

    But hey , he 's fake the rules are may be different for rented dates .

  4. 约会规则是死的。

    Dating rules are dead .

  5. 如果你不照着这些约会规则,并且无视这些的话,你永远不会随着自己的心找到那个特别的人。

    By not following this dating rule and ignoring the issues , your inability to risk losing your heart will stop you from meeting someone special .

  6. 如果你想按照这些约会规则去和新朋友约会的话,那么就是时候不要再对向你提出约会的人挑三拣四了。

    If you want to follow the rules of dating to meet someone new , its time to stop making snap decisions about the people who ask you out for a date .

  7. 数值简约性原则是分支分类学进行分支分析及重构生物演化分支图的主要思想方法。俗话中的物以类聚,人以群分是一个永不过时的约会规则。

    In the present paper the essentials of the concept and method of quantitative parsimony analysis for cladogram construction are revealed . the old adage " birds of a feather flock together " is one dating rule that will never go out of style .

  8. 俗话中的物以类聚,人以群分是一个永不过时的约会规则。研究人和其他人,群体,以及社会的关系的心理学分支。

    The old adage " birds of a feather flock together " is one dating rule that will never go out of style . the branch of psychology that studies persons and their relationships with others and with groups and with society as a whole .

  9. 10条毁掉约会的传统规则

    10 ways traditional rules can ruin a date

  10. 网上约会的九大规则

    Rules For On-Line Dating

  11. 下面是适用于午餐约会的一些规则:不要喝酒,不要嘴里吃着东西说话,要问一些让别人感兴趣(显示自己知识面广的)的问题。

    Lunch date rules apply here : don 't drink alcohol , don 't talk with your mouth full , and ask interested ( and informed ) questions .

  12. 我们要为“约会”定一些规则

    Let 's establish some ground rules for our " date . "

  13. 好吧,让我们重申我们书的标题:《第一次约会和他睡觉没事:揭秘约会的其他规则》。

    Okay , let 's address our book 's title : It 's Okay to Sleep with Him on the First Date : and Every Other Rule of Dating , Debunked .

  14. 他们是假正经。好吧,让我们重申我们书的标题:《第一次约会和他睡觉没事:揭秘约会的其他规则》。

    They 're prudish.Okay , let 's address our book 's title : It 's Okay to Sleep with Him on the First Date : and Every Other Rule of Dating , Debunked .