
  • 网络No One Knows;Nobody knows;Middle of Nowhere
  1. 而童年的经历也会影响人们的爱情,但如何作用却无人知晓。

    Your childhood certainly plays a role but nobody knows how .

  2. 地面部队能承受多大压力,对此无人知晓。

    Nobody knows how much strain the ground forces can bear .

  3. 她的死因也许将永远无人知晓。

    How she met her death will probably never be known .

  4. 几多虚实,无人知晓。

    How much was fact and how much fancy no one knew .

  5. 通过其子公司天猫(TMall),阿里巴巴让消费者信任在网上销售品牌商品的小商家,甚至是无人知晓的商家。

    Through its subsidiary , TMall , it made consumers trust small and even unknown sellers of branded goods online .

  6. 或许我们的声音将无人知晓。

    It may be our words find nothing , find no-one .

  7. 她在波士顿到底住在什麽地方,历史上无人知晓。

    Just where she keep in Boston is unknown to history .

  8. 他怎么来到美国无人知晓。

    How he came to the United States was a mystery .

  9. 它郁郁葱葱,却无人知晓。

    Though its abundance increase , There is none that knows .

  10. 无人知晓我笑得其实如此空洞。

    Nobody knows it 's empty , the smile that I wear

  11. 他有一个无人知晓的秘密计划。

    He has a mysterious plan which nobody has been told .

  12. 当时无人知晓裁判为什么要给对方一个任意球。

    At the time no-one knew what the free-kick was given for .

  13. 那座塔是什么时候建的无人知晓。

    It is still unknown when the tower was built .

  14. 无人知晓我熟识你,呵,熟识得太过了

    They know not I knew thee , who knew thee too well

  15. 有一个我去过的地方,无人知晓

    There 's a place where I go that no one else knows

  16. 无人知晓他们从来没有通过可行性研究。

    Nobody knows they never get past the feasibility study .

  17. 套息交易的规模到底有多大无人知晓。

    Nobody really knows how big the carry trade is .

  18. 无人知晓他去法国的原因。

    The reason for his going to France was unknown .

  19. 因为无人知晓你在说些什么。

    Because no one knew what you were talking about .

  20. “没听说过外国那些无人知晓的法律”不能作为辩护理由。

    Not having heard of an obscure foreign rule is no defence .

  21. 无人知晓到底是谁发明酿造了第一瓶啤酒。

    No one knows who exactly invented the first beer .

  22. 她的名字在拉丁美洲以外几乎无人知晓。

    Her name is almost unknown outside of lation america .

  23. 在欧美,中石油仍几乎无人知晓。

    In Europe and the US , PetroChina is still little known .

  24. 参加之前结果无人知晓;

    Before taking it nobody know what you 'll get ;

  25. 周日晚上,周一之后真的无人知晓。

    Sunday night , the Monday after are really unknown as well .

  26. 澳大利亚葡萄酒在本国之外几乎无人知晓。

    Australian wine was virtually unknown outside its homeland .

  27. 无人知晓世界是怎样产生的。

    No on knows the creation of the world .

  28. 我唯一的安慰是直到现在还无人知晓。

    My only consolation is that nobody knows yet .

  29. 答案似乎无人知晓而且这只小企鹅也无法表达。

    No one seems to know and the little bird isn 't saying .

  30. 谣言四起,可却无人知晓她是多么的自责。

    The rumors flew , but nobody know how much she blamed herself .