
  • 网络Tri-Zenon;Wreck-It-Ralph
  1. 他的作品包括梦工厂的《雪人奇缘》,迪斯尼的《无敌破坏王2:大闹互联网》、《疯狂动物城》、《超能陆战队6》和《无敌破坏王》以及电影版《辛普森一家》。

    A talented Disney animation artist , Matsuda 's name came to the fore , Disney 's Ralph Breaks the Internet , Zootopia , Big Hero 6 and Wreck-It Ralph , and The Simpsons Movie .

  2. 《无敌破坏王》续集宣布,加朵将为Shank配音。而Shank是在名为《屠戮赛车》线上游戏中的一个“性格坚韧并且很具赛车天赋的女性角色。“

    The Wreck-It Ralph sequel has announced that Gadot has joined the cast to play Shank , " a tough and talented driver in an intense and gritty online racing game called Slaughter Race . "

  3. 排在第二位的是华特-迪士尼(WaltDisneyCo.)发行的动画影片《无敌破坏王》(Wreck-ItRalph)。在上映的第二个周末该片获得了3310万美元的票房。其美国国内累计票房收入因此达到9370万美元。

    In second place was animated film ' Wreck-It Ralph , ' from Walt Disney Co. , which took in $ 33.1 million in its second weekend in theaters , bringing its cumulative domestic total to $ 93.7 million .

  4. 迪士尼制作的家庭动画电影《无敌破坏王》(Wreck-ItRalph)依然有不俗的票房表现。其上映三周后仍然获得了1830万美元的票房,它在美国国内的累计票房因此达到1.215亿美元。

    Disney 's animated family film ' Wreck-It Ralph ' continued a healthy run , earning $ 18.3 million in its third week in theaters , and bringing its cumulative domestic total to $ 121.5 million .

  5. 当迪士尼宣布电影《无敌破坏王》出续集的时候,观众们都为之振奋。

    When Disney announced the sequel to Wreck-It Ralph people were excited .

  6. 除了《无敌破坏王》之外,迪士尼就没拍出过像样的电影续集。

    Wreck-It Ralph aside , Disney never makes proper big-screen sequels to its cartoons .

  7. 这对夫妇是根据迪士尼电影《无敌破坏王》里的角色来给云妮露起名的。

    The couple named Vanellope after a character in the Disney film " Wreck-It Ralph . "

  8. 迪斯尼的《无敌破坏王》在美国和加拿大的票房收入颇高。

    Disney 's Wreck-It Ralph is the top draw at the box office in the United States and Canada .

  9. 无敌破坏王,讲述一个视频游戏角色,首演估计有4910万美元的票房收入,超过了预期。

    Wreck-It Ralph , about a video game character debuts with an estimated $ 49.1 million in ticket sales outpacing expectations .

  10. 上个月,热切的电影爱好者们第一次看到了《无敌破坏王》的续集,这部电影第一次聚齐了迪士尼的所有公主。

    Last month eager film fans were given their first look at the Wreck-It Ralph sequel , which will feature all of the Disney Princesses together for the very first time .

  11. 这个角色让迪士尼世界更加多元化,但是众多粉丝担心,相比原先的老版电影,这位公主在《无敌破坏王2》的预告片中,肤色明显被“漂白”了。

    The character is celebrated for bringing diversity to the Disney world , but now many are worried she 's being ' whitewashed ' as her skin appears lighter in the new movie , than it did in her own film - and even than it did in Wreck-It Ralph 2 's original trailer .