
  • 网络unknown;anonymity;The Nameless;The Unnamable
  1. 哦好吧,“无名者”小姐,你知道你的问题所在么?

    You know what 's wrong with you , Miss Whoever-you-are ?

  2. 黎薇是将日常生活中的无名者作为永恒的丰碑来雕刻。

    Li Wei makes person unknown in daily life as an eternal monument to sculpture .

  3. 诸多网民都在试图追踪这个无名者的行迹,他的粉丝给他取了个华丽的名字“犀利哥”。

    A growing number of Internet users are tracking the whereabouts of the still unidentified man , whose " fans " have nicknamed him Brother Sharp .

  4. 其中起于无名动脉者占55.6%。

    Among them the ratio of brachiocephalic trunk was 55.6 % .

  5. 以缥缈幻影的形态,我是这没落的无名见证者。

    In my gaseous phantom form , anonymous witness of the fall .

  6. 关于无名流浪者交通肇事人身损害赔偿案件几个问题的思考

    The Thinking of Compensating Case About Unknown Vagabonds ' Body Injuring Due to Transportation Cause

  7. 《大双心河》采用人物尼克的和无名叙事者的两个叙事视角。

    Recent theories of narratology finds two narrative perspectives , namely that of the narrator as well as that of Nick , in " Big Two-hearted River " .

  8. 在现实生活中,无名流浪者在在遭遇车祸后,因无人代其进行诉讼,引发了关于原告主体资格的问题,即何人有资格提起民事诉讼。

    In real life , a nameless ranger in the car accident , for no one generation after the litigation raises questions about what the plaintiffs main qualifications problems , namely , who qualified take civil action .

  9. 于是它对自己那位无名的制造者喃喃抱怨起来,“你为什么把我造成这等模样?”

    and it murmured against the unknown maker , saying , " Why hast thou made me thus ? "

  10. 虽然我无法收到a的签名,但是我还是要感谢您认真的态度,感谢您对我这样一个无名的崇拜者的关照。

    While I can not receive AAA 's signature , but I still have to thank you for your serious attitude , Thank you for taking care of me who is such an anonymous admirer .