
  • 网络flat-slab
  1. 无梁板结构在新加坡高层住宅中的应用及设计方法浅析

    The Use and the Design Method of Flat-Slab in High-rise Residential Buildings in Singapore

  2. 文摘:论述了用支撑柱加固无梁板的选点原则。

    Abstract : The principle for choosing supporting points for strengthening flat-slab Was discussed .

  3. 局部均载下RC无梁板的应力重分布分析

    Redistributive Stress Analysis of RC Flat Slab under Locally Distributed Load

  4. 无梁板预应力配筋设计方法的讨论。

    On the design method of tendon arrangement in beamless slabs .

  5. 铁路无梁板连续刚构桥技术设计

    Technical Design of Beamless Slab Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge of Railway

  6. 预应力混凝土无梁板配筋形式探讨

    Preliminary Study of the Tendon Arrangement in Prestressed Concrete Flat Slab

  7. 无梁板结构的边界元法分析

    Analysis of beamless slab structure by boundary element method

  8. 改变支承条件对无梁板结构内力的影响

    Analysis or the effect of changing supporting condition on the internal force or flat slab

  9. 无梁板概率设计

    Probability design of non - beam plate

  10. 本文是探讨近似概率法在钢筋砼无梁板截面设计中的应用。

    This paper introduces approximate probability method in designing the section of reinforced concrete non-beam plate .

  11. 拆下把风栅口面板固定在支架上的螺帽。论述了用支撑柱加固无梁板的选点原则。

    Remove nuts attaching GOP to support bracket . The principle for choosing supporting points for strengthening flat-slab Was discussed .

  12. 应用塑性理论对集中荷载作用下的点支承单格无梁板作分析。

    Plastic theory is applied to analyse the corner supported single rectangular non beam slab with concentrated load in this paper .

  13. 屈服线理论能量法用于无梁板加固分析的抗力单元理论、及该理论应用于加固分析的可行性。

    The energy law of yield line theory was applied to the theory of " resistance unit " of flat slab strengthening analysis .

  14. 抗力单元理论同时也是一种无梁板抗力分析的新方法。

    The theory of " resistance unit " was used in feasibility of strengthening analysis and it is also a new method to analyze the resistance of flat - slab .

  15. 现有设计方法认为对于柱上集中布置预应力筋的无梁板,柱上预应力筋可认为是支承双向板的暗梁,其支承的内平板可按双向板进行设计。

    According to existing design methods , tendons in slab arranged in the range of column width are considered blind beams supporting the two-way slab , and the slabs encased by the tendons are designed in terms of the two-way slab .

  16. 四支柱支撑无梁矩形板的弯曲

    Bending of Rectangular Flat Slabs Supported by Four Columns

  17. 本文提出了在竖向均布荷载作用下无梁空心板开裂后的竖向挠度近似的计算方法。

    As for the short-term deflection calculation of t RC hollow flat slab subjected to vertical uniform loads , an approximate method is presented .

  18. 同时本文根据大量的有限元计算结果,通过拟合得出无梁空心板的挠度系数,为无梁空心板在均布荷载作用下挠度的提供有效的计算方法。

    Based on the much calculate result of finite element , deflection coefficient of RC hollow flat slab is obtained by method of curve fitting .

  19. 首先,本文对无梁空心板进行了1:3比例的现浇钢筋混凝土无梁空心楼板模型的试验研究。

    Firstly , experiment on RC hollow flat slab is carried out . The experimental model is 1:3 in scale and has a 3m × 3m span .

  20. 本文提出了无梁空心板中间板格在竖向均布荷载作用下挠度的计算公式,并对其影响因素进行了详尽的分析。

    In this paper , the deflection formula of RC hollow flat slab in the middle span subjected to vertical uniform loads is provoked and the factors which impact deflection are analyzed .

  21. 采用无粘结预应力梁板;

    It adopt beam and slab structure of unbonded prestressed ;

  22. 本文研讨了设有剪力墙的升板结构、无梁无柱帽板柱结构体系,在侧向力作用下的结构分析问题。

    In this paper , the structural analysis of lifting slab building and slabcolumn structure system without ribs and column caps , with shear walls subjected to lateral forces is discussed .

  23. 本文以牡丹江市报业大厦无粘结预应力梁板为例,详细论述了设计与施工要点及采用的新技术、新工艺。

    Taking no - felting prestressing girder used in newspapering edifice of Mudanjiang city as example , this paper states the outline of design and construction and new technique , new craft being adopted .

  24. 采用有限元方法,改变结构的跨度和层数,对无边梁的板柱-剪力墙结构、带边梁的板柱-剪力墙结构和框架-剪力墙结构的动力特性进行对比分析。

    The dynamic characteristics of R / C slab column-shear wall structures with and without spandrel beams and frame-shear wall structures are analyzed and compared with finite element method when its span and story number are changed .

  25. 无梁楼板柱上板带宽度及弯矩取值的探讨

    Discussion on the width of column strip and the ratio coefficient of bend moment for the flat slab

  26. 哈尔滨中央大厦塔楼楼(屋)盖为无粘结预应力混凝土梁板结构。

    The structure of floors and roof of Harbin Zhongyang Tower is concrete beams and plates prestressed with unbonded tendons .

  27. 本文详细地分析了无梁空心楼板内力分布的影响因素,提出了无梁空心板中间板格在竖向均布荷载作用下的内力分布的计算方法。

    The factors which impact moment distribution in the plate are analyzed in detail . The calculation method of moment distribution of RC hollow flat slab in the middle span subjected to vertical uniform loads is present .