
wú shēng diàn yǐng
  • silent film
无声电影[wú shēng diàn yǐng]
  1. 在无声电影和早期有声电影的时代。

    In the days of the silent film and the early talkies .

  2. 终于,电影的发展进入了无声电影时代。

    Finally , the development of the film into the silent film era .

  3. 乔·洛斯先是于20世纪20年代为无声电影弹奏钢琴背景音乐。

    Joe Loss started off playing piano background music for silent films in the 1920s .

  4. 这部电影是最后几部无声电影之一。

    The movie was one of the last silent movies .

  5. 1919年的时候美国人就已经开始用这个词了,1929年的无声电影《沙漠之夜》里就把一个有钱的女恶棍称为bimbo。

    Use of this term began in the United States as early as 1919 . The 1929 silent filmDesert Nights describes a wealthy female crook as a bimbo .

  6. 无声电影并非没有动作。

    A silent movie doesn 't mean it is motionless .

  7. 嘉宝自然的气质使她在众多的无声电影演员中脱颖而出。

    Garbos natural manner distinguished her from more histrionic silent actors .

  8. 玛丽碧克馥是无声电影的明星。

    Mary Pickford was a famous star of the silent movies .

  9. 我刚在学校观赏了史上最有趣的无声电影,是吗?

    I just saw the most interesting nature film Mmm ? ...

  10. 她曾主演过多部无声电影。

    She had been a star in the silent pictures .

  11. 他被誉为无声电影皇帝。

    He was admired as the king of silent films .

  12. 不是的。在无声电影时代不是这样的。

    Well , no. Not during the silent-film era .

  13. 记忆就像在播放无声电影

    These memories are playing like a film without sound

  14. 阅读黑色幽默,肢体语言,默剧,无声电影的相关书籍。

    Read books about black humor , body language , pantomime and silent movie .

  15. 那些无声电影中的喜剧明星们仍能把观众逗得捧腹大笑。

    The comedians of the silent movies can still have an audience rolling about .

  16. 电影翻译在中国发展的历史最初是由无声电影的翻译和引进开始的。

    The history of film translation in China started from the translation of silent films .

  17. 媒介变迁与艺术困境&以无声电影到有声电影为例

    The Change of the Medium and Art Difficulties & From silent films to sound films

  18. 在无声电影时期卓别林是最有才能和影响最大的人物之一。

    Chaplin was one of the most creative and influential personalities of the silent-film era .

  19. 他说:“看来,他不愧是从无声电影起步的啊!”

    He said ," It seems appropriate that he got his start in silent films . !"

  20. 两个研究者用了一系列的无声电影来尝试说明商界人士如何表明各自地位。

    An attempt to study this was made by two researchers using a series of silent films .

  21. 甚至1926年在纽约为无声电影明星鲁道夫•瓦伦蒂诺举办的葬礼也只有4万名粉丝前往。

    Even the funeral of silent film star Rudolph Valentino in New York in 1926 drew 40000 fans .

  22. 1925年完成中国早期无声电影(默片)的代表作《空谷兰》。

    In 1925 he finished Lonely Orchid , which was the representative work of China 's early silent films .

  23. 但是那时候最需要音乐人的产业却是电影业,尤其是在无声电影时代。

    But the largest employer for musicians back then was the film industry , especially during the silent-film era .

  24. 这只10岁的杰克罗素梗犬在这部无声电影中扮演杜雅尔丹最好的朋友,在里面抢尽了风头。

    The 10-year-old Jack Russell Terrier plays the best friend of Dujardin and steals the show in the silent film .

  25. 从杂耍的跟班到影片的灵魂&中国无声电影文学之路

    From the Servant of Variety to the Soul of the Film & The Road of Chinese Silent Films ' Literature

  26. 拥有“公爵”之称的韦恩是一位美国电影演员,其事业起步于20世纪20年代的无声电影。

    Known as " The Duke ", Wayne was an American film actor whose career began in silent movies in the1920s .

  27. 为了打破无声电影的局限性,她准确地运用眼神和动作来表现人物的性格和情感。

    In order to overcome the limitations of silent films , she managed to convey meanings through her gestures and eyes .

  28. 珍·胡克斯常常笑脸盈盈,她长着一双蓝眼睛,一副能让人想起无声电影时代的眉毛。

    Jan Hooks had a wide smile and expressive blue eyes and eye brows that conjured up the silent movie era .

  29. 与会的孩子将了解和建立自己的无声电影,他们将用在我们的凯文剧院舞台上!

    Participants will learn about and create their own silent movie , which they will perform on our replica Kevin Theatre stage !

  30. 卓别林的最早期电影是无声电影,因为在那时还没有研制出给影片配音的设备。

    Chaplin 's earliest films were silent films , because the equipment for adding sound to films had not yet been developed .