
  1. 这是显给你看,要使你知道,惟有耶和华他是神,除他以外,再无别神。

    Unto thee it was shewed , that thou mightest know that the LORD he is God ; there is none else beside him .

  2. 假使这柜台上装置铜栏,光景就跟银行,当铺,邮局无别。

    The mere addition of a copper railing on the counter would have made it look no different from a bank , pawnshop , or post office .

  3. 甲骨文字形反正或倒正无别规律试探是否显示页面视图方式下的正文文字

    On the Law of " Fan Zheng Wu Bie " or " Dao Zheng Wu Bie " in the Character Style of the Inscriptions on Bones and Tortoise Shells Toggles showing the main text layer in page layout view

  4. 其实哲学的教训正是要使人从那无穷的有限目的与个人愿望中解放出来,并使他觉得不管那些东西存在或不存在,对他简直完全无别。

    For that matter indeed , the teaching of philosophy is precisely what frees man from the endless crowd of finite aims and intentions , by making him so insensible to them that their existence or non existence is to him a matter of indifference .

  5. 《无家别》中携字的解读

    Reading the word " Xie " in the Poet " No Family to Depart "

  6. 人无完人,别强求我。

    Everybody 's not perfect , so give me a break !

  7. 那是无“性”别厕所,“性”呢

    It 's a unisex bathroom -- emphasis on the sex .

  8. 无救药,就别放在心上。

    If there be none , never mind it .

  9. 结论甲磺酸帕珠沙星具有线性药动学特征,其药动学参数无男、女性别差异,在临床给药时无需考虑性别问题。

    CONCLUSION Pazufloxacin mesilate is characterized by linear pharmacokinetics , it can be safely used for the control of infection .

  10. 世间的一切弊病,有的可以救药,有的不可救药;有救药,努力去找;无救药,就别放在心上

    " For every evil under the sun , there is a remedy or there is none ; if there be one , try and find it ; if there be none , never mind it "