首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 对一个孩子来说,黑暗的那种侵袭会使他感到一种无可言喻的可怕。

    This penetration of the shadows is indescribably sinister in the case of a child .

  2. 主教受到一种无可言喻的感动。

    The Bishop experienced an indescribable shock .

  3. 主教回到家中,深深沉浸在一种无可言喻的思绪里。

    The bishop returned home , deeply absorbed in thoughts which cannot be known to us .

  4. 这幅图画所描绘的,是一种无可言喻最终的喜乐来临之前,短暂的哀伤。

    It is a picture of an inferable sorrow preparing the way for an unutterable and final joy .

  5. 在无可言喻的悲伤中,我向你伸出我的手,你是女人中最值得同情的。

    In grief unspeakable , I give you my hand & you of all women the most pitiable .

  6. 她不时抬起眼睛望着那个人,显出一种无可言喻的宁静和信赖的神情。

    From time to time she raised her eyes towards the man , with a sort of tranquillity and an indescribable confidence .

  7. 结果,那种充满了鬼影的现实和充满了现实的鬼域替他构成了一种几乎无可言喻的内心状况。

    All these things , realities full of spectres , phantasmagories full of realities , had eventually created for him a sort of interior state which is almost indescribable .

  8. 在眼泪汪汪地做了简短的告别之后,我们就开着车上路了,车内弥漫着一种无可言喻的悲伤气氛。几个小时过后,在我们穿过宾夕法尼亚州的边界之后,这种气氛才开始消散。

    After a brief , tearful goodbye , we hit the road filled with an ineffable sadness that only started to dissipate after we crossed the Pennsylvania border a couple of hours later .

  9. 可是,他已经五十五岁,而珂赛特才八岁,他毕生的爱已经全部化为一点无可言喻的星光。

    Only , as he was five and fifty , and Cosette eight years of age , all that might have been love in the whole course of his life flowed together into a sort of ineffable light .