
  1. 从而避免了由于过渡帧被简单地划分成清/浊音而带来的误差。

    So it will avoid the error produced by classing the transition frame into V / UV frame .

  2. 如今我的川菜已经“和平演变”成清淡、纯朴、美观的法式中餐,并逐渐为妻子和丈母娘所接受。

    Today my Sichuan food has " pacifically " evolved into a Sino-French food , light , natural , good to look at and it has been accepted by my wife and by my mother-in-law .

  3. 中国古代有律学而无法学,我国部门法学研究水平不高,几乎成了清一色的法典注释学。

    There is no integrated science of civil law in ancient china .

  4. 因此之故,影响到文章方面,成了清峻的风格。

    Hence , affecting the article context , has become the style of the Qing Jun.

  5. 你要吩咐以色列人,把那为点灯捣成的清橄榄油拿来给你,使灯常常点着。

    Command the Israelites to bring you clear oil of pressed olives for the light so that the lamps may be kept burning .

  6. 细胞免疫测定指标为淋巴细胞转化水平、e-玫瑰花环形成率、清溶菌酶含量。

    The measurement indexes of cell immunity contain transformation level of lymphoid cell , the formation rate of E-rose garland and the content of lysozyme in serum .

  7. 利用清肝利胆佐以化瘀祛痰法制成的湿热清口服液治疗急、性前列腺炎33例、慢性98例,并分别与西药氟哌酸治疗急性前列腺炎28例、慢性76例的结果进行比较研究。

    Reported 131 cases of acute and chronic prostatitis treated with " Shi-re-qing " oral liquid which was made under the rules of clearing away liver-fire and gallbladder-heate , eliminating sputum and removing blood stasis , and contrasted with 104 cases treated with Norfloxacin .

  8. 结合工程实例,分析了振冲置换法施工碎石桩加固软土地基的工作原理,介绍了振冲成孔、清孔、填料、振密等施工工艺,提出了质量检验和施工的有关注意事项。

    Combined with specific engineering , it analyzes working principle on macadam pile strengthening soft foundation applying for vibro-replacement method , introduces construction process including vibro-pole forming 、 scouring 、 filling 、 vibro-density , and puts forward matters need attention in quality check and construction .

  9. 泥浆护壁成孔灌注桩清孔工艺探讨

    Approach to the bore cleaning technology for cast-in-situ pile with mud protection wall

  10. 永新地区具有较大的油气资源潜力,但该区断裂系统十分复杂,断裂演化及其与油气成藏关系不清。

    There is great potential for oil and gas resources in Yongxin area , but fracture system is very complicated , fracture evolution and its relationship with oil and gas accumulation is unclear .