
  1. 当我一身疲惫回到家,发现已经长大成人的孩子们吃完早餐后都没有收拾的时候,我就会大发雷霆,我先生经常不得不介入。

    When I get home tired to find my grown-up children still surrounded by the detritus of breakfast , I let loose a rage so elemental that my husband often has to intervene .

  2. 我不喝咖啡,现在已经长大成人的孩子们也不喝,克拉丽莎每天只喝一杯,所以如果家里没有客人,我们从来不会用到咖啡壶。

    I don 't drink coffee , and our children , all now adults , don 't either . Clarissa drinks just one cup a day . So we 're never going to use this coffee maker unless we have company over .

  3. 一个有趣的新研究显示,和成人相比,孩子们的撒谎行为可能来源于一个完全不同的大脑区域。

    One intriguing new study suggests that lying may spring from a completely different part of the brain in children compared with adults .