
  1. 隔壁的布拉诺岛年轻人装扮成刚朵拉船(Gondola)的船夫,用桑德拉船(Sandolo)将游客从汽轮摆渡到岛上的村子来。

    Young men from Burano , the next island , dress up as gondoliers and ferry tourists from the steamer to the village in sandolos .

  2. 汽车主锥总成刚度调节研究

    Research on the Stiffness Adjustment of Truck Drive Axles

  3. 通过建立板簧总成片与片之间的接触单元,采用ANSYS有限元分析软件对某一新型混合动力牵引车前悬架的上、下板簧总成的刚度和强度进行分析。

    Stiffness and strength of upper and lower leaf spring assembly of the front suspension in a new compositely powered traction vehicle are calculated respectively with the ANSYS finite element analysis software .

  4. 你能把这个措词换成你刚说的那个吗?

    Can you change the wording to what you 've just said ?

  5. 由于有源代码可用,它成了刚开始探索计算机代数系统的学生的有用工具。

    With the source code available , it makes a useful tool for students just beginning to exploring computer algebra systems .

  6. 在结构设计中,为了简化计算,一般将梁柱节点连接假设成完全刚接和理想铰接这两种形式。

    In structural design , in order to simplify the calculation , Beam-to-column Connection are generally assumed to be fully rigid and ideally pinned .

  7. 阐述了接触元建立的方法;推导了平行无限元的单元刚度矩阵方法以及无限元单元刚度矩阵组装成总体刚度矩阵的原理。

    The introduction includes the principle of instituting contact interface element , the element stiffness matrix of parallel infinite element and the method of coupling the different element .

  8. 研究结果表明:转子与定子之间的碰摩使得转子系统的刚度由线性刚度演变成非线性刚度,导致转子系统的振动行为发生变化;

    Research results show that the stiffness of the rotor system becomes nonlinear if contact-rubbing occurs , and it leads to the variation of the rotor system vibration characteristics .

  9. 曲杆单元法将拱坝分离成空间刚架结构,将曲杆作为计算基本单元。

    In the method of curved bar units , a arch dam is seperated into space rigid framed structures and curved bars are taken as the basic units of calculation .

  10. 本文提出了控制传动轴动平衡、提高分动器壳体刚度、调整动力传动总成支撑刚度等改进措施。

    Through the above mentioned research on dynamic characteristics , some measures are proposed to control the dynamic balance of propel shaft , increase the transfer case shell rigidity and adjust motor power train suspension rigidity .

  11. h型抗滑桩是近些年逐渐发展而提出的一种新型防护结构,由于系梁的作用,将前后排桩连接成一个刚架空间结构。

    In recent years , h-type anti-slide pile of new protective structure is gradually developed , Because of the beam action , The front and back row piles are connected into a frame structure .

  12. 很快,萨那托斯成了魁刚第一个徒弟。

    Soon Xanatos becomes Qui-Gon 's first apprentice .

  13. 传统的设计和分析都将框架的梁柱节点处理成理想的刚接或铰接。

    The beam-to-column joints are assumed to be rigid or pinned in the traditional method for designing and analysis .

  14. 本文提出桩土等效刚度概念,将桩土对承台的约束作用等效成具有一定刚度的弹簧,施加在承台底部。

    The concept of equivalent stiffness was put forward in this paper , that take the constraints of pile caps equivalent to springs with a certain stiffness , was added at the bottom of pile cap .

  15. 晒成古铜色你刚从泰国回来?

    tan ( n. ) A : So you just got back from Thailand ?

  16. 主缆的无应力索长的放样误差会影响成桥以后的刚度。

    The laying out error of the unstressed length of the main cable has impact on the structure completion rigidity .

  17. 研究了将铅挤压阻尼装置等效成阻尼比和刚度系数的方法,建立了消能装置的通用等效计算公式;

    The equivalent damping ratio and stiffness coefficient of the LED device are studied , and the general equivalent formula of energy dissipation devices is established .

  18. 卵腹面的胚盘细胞逐渐增厚为胚带,其他胚盘细胞发育成浆膜,浆膜刚一形成,羊膜即开始发生;

    The blastoderm cells on the egg venter developed into germ band , the other cells into serosa . The amnion began to grow shortly after the formation of serosa .

  19. 复合桥面铺装由多种材料分层铺筑而成,由于结构刚度的非线性特点,造成复合桥面铺装结构受力复杂。

    Composite bridge deck made from a variety of paving layer materials , due to the nonlinear stiffness characteristics , resulting in the force of composite bridge deck structure complex .

  20. 目前的悬置设计主要有两类方法,一是传统的模态解耦法,该法主要通过调整动力总成悬置系统刚度矩阵,改变系统模态来控制系统在激励作用下的响应;

    At present , there are two main methods to design mount system , one is the traditional method & modal decouple , which control the system response by changing the stiffness matrix to change system modes ;

  21. 该方法将受火高温梁简化成温度均匀的刚度等效截面,通过考虑柱提供的变形约束刚度和混凝土高温瞬态热应变导致的刚度降低的双重影响,来计算其升温时的温度内力。

    Therefore , the temperature stress can be calculated by considering the influence : ( 1 ) the constraint stiffness produced by columns ; ( 2 ) the reduced stiffness produced by the transient thermal strain of concrete .

  22. 成层土层的刚度是由各个土层的特性所组成的,现场测定刚度的常规方法由于尺寸效应只能得到反映浅部土层的刚度。

    The rigidity of layered soil is composed of the features of each soil layer . As limited by size effect the conventional method used on site for measuring rigidity can only get that which reflects the rigidity of the shallow soil layer .

  23. 利用多体系统传递矩阵法将车载炮系统处理成由多个刚体、集中质量、空间弹性梁并按一定的方式铰接而成的刚弹耦合系统。

    By means of transfer matrix method of multi-body system , truck-mounted howitzer system is taken as a solid-elastic coupling system made up of multi solid body .