
  1. 事实上,铁矿石现货价格近日来已经止跌,目前价格约为每吨118美元,接近一些矿商的生产成本,而交易员表示,市场中成交量有所放大。

    Indeed , in recent days , spot iron ore has stopped falling and is trading at about $ 118 a tonne , close to the cost of production for some miners , while traders report increased activity on the market .

  2. 伦敦证交所(LSE)昨日预计,随着其近来展开针对美国竞争对手纳斯达克(Nasdaq)敌意收购的防御战,该交易所电子交易平台成交量将急剧放大。

    The London Stock Exchange yesterday forecast a dramatic increase in trading volumes on its electronic trading platform as it launched its latest defence against a hostile bid by US rival Nasdaq .

  3. 但利好并没有刺激散户的入场热情,成交量并没有明显放大,这将逼迫市场主力拉动二股继续“诱多”。

    But this good news has not promoted retailers'enthusiasm , without apparent enlarging turnover , which will force market mainstream to push key stocks up .