
  • 网络Golden Line;Golden pass;Golden Route
  1. 友谊是一条黄金线,他连接世界上所有的心!

    Friendship is the golden thread that ties the heart of all the world !

  2. 位于黄金海岸线的中部

    In the middle part of golden coastline

  3. 温州位于中国黄金海岸线中段,依山傍水,兼山海之利。

    Wenzhou lies in the middle of the golden coastline of China , having both mountain and sea .

  4. 历史的长江三峡,风光旖旎,荟萃了自然、人文的精华,是一条流光溢彩的黄金旅游线。

    The Three Gorges of River was an attractive golden travel line with beautiful , natural and constructed scenery .

  5. 该模具由边框和垂直和水平两个除以它的黄金分割线对。

    The stencil consists of a border and two pairs of vertical and horizontal lines dividing it by the golden section .

  6. 例如,你看到的黄金谱线,是太阳光谱中唯一的谱线。

    For instance you see the spectral line of the gold is the only spectral line in the spectrum of the sun .

  7. 以运河为中心的水上黄金旅游线推出,昔日的古运河焕发出新的生机和活力。

    With the opening up of the golden travel route with the Canal as its center , the ancient Canal exhibits new vitality and vigor .

  8. 南部的日照市虽然位于海滨旅游带,但实际的旅游线路&山东黄金海岸线,以青岛-威海-烟台为主要支点,并没有把日照包括在内。

    The actual tour route the Golden Coastline of Shandong province pivoted by Qingdao Weihai and Yantai , excludes Rizhao from its extension , although it lies in the south of the Seaside Tour Belt .

  9. 斯里兰卡最美的海滨在该岛的南部和西部海岸,那里有绵延数百公里的黄金海岸线,后面是高高的棕榈树,与印度洋相结。

    Sri Lanka 's best beach resorts are on the island 's south and west coasts , where more than hundred miles of golden beaches backed by tall palm trees , meet the Indian Ocean .

  10. 对风景油画在构图方面做出一些尝试,强调空间,画面色块分割,黄金分割线在画面中的运用,通过这些尝试,来表达自己对美的一些个人理解。

    Of landscape painting to make some attempt at composition , the emphasis on space , the screen color segmentation , Fibonacci use the screen through which attempts to express themselves on the " beauty " of some personal understanding .

  11. 秋天,它是黄金的分割线,合理的划出付出与收获。

    Autumn , it is the gold division line , to draw reasonable pay and harvest .

  12. 首选视线是人类视觉黄金分割的分割线

    The First Line of Sight is the Dividing Tie of the Visual Golden Section of Human Beings