
  • 网络magic number
  1. 在LinkedIn上的好友数量有个神奇数字,这个数字是50。

    There is a magic number of connections on LinkedIn , and that number is 50 contacts .

  2. 当然,这个神奇数字也会因问题而异。

    The magic number , of course , will vary depending on the problem .

  3. 核扩散的神奇数字是21。

    The number for nuclear proliferation is 21 .

  4. 在这个问题上,神奇数字大约是20。

    There the magic number is about 20 .

  5. 体重还在迅速增加&这周会达到6磅的神奇数字。

    The rapid weight gain continues & 6 pounds is the magic number this week .

  6. 阿普尔比以将近59杆的成绩赢得了绿蔷薇精英赛,这使他成为最后一轮仅有的两名在打高尔夫的神奇数字的球员之一。

    Appleby won The Greenbrier Classic by closing with a59 , making him one of only two players to hit golf 's magic number in the last round .

  7. 但这种神奇数字将会打破并不牢靠的僵局,并且少数国家达成的协议,可以为范围更广的协议奠定基础。

    But the magic number will break the untenable gridlock and agreements reached by the small number of countries that can provide the foundation for more inclusive deals .

  8. 如果10%依然是那个神奇数字(不管原因为何),那么限制的对象就不重要了无论是资产、负债还是相对于经济产出的规模,美国三大银行大概都会超出上限。

    If 10 per cent remains the magic number for whatever reason , it does not really matter what is targeted assets , liabilities or even size relative to economic output the top three US banks would probably exceed the cap .

  9. 就目前而言,3是一个神奇的数字。

    Three , for now , is the magic number .

  10. ‘根除’是一件很特别的事情。他说,零是一个神奇的数字。

    Eradications are special , he says . Zero is a magic number .

  11. 十是一个神奇的数字,你如果有十个朋友,就会很开心。

    Ten is the magic number ; if you have that many , youll be happier .

  12. 等等,我需要再计算一次才能得出那个神奇的数字。

    Hold on , I just need to do one more calculation and I 'll have the magic number .

  13. 自古代哲学兼数学家毕达哥拉斯时代起,“7”就成了一个神奇的数字,与奇迹,智慧,完美和洞察相联。

    Since the age of Pythagoras , mystical " 7 " has been associated with miracles and wisdom , perfection and intuition .

  14. 他准备于首批矿工被救出3天后出访3个欧洲国家又是神奇的数字33。

    He is poised to visit three European countries three days after the first miners emerged there is that magic number 33 again .

  15. 美国新墨西哥州圣菲研究所的科学家们经研究发现,这一神奇的数字约为10年。

    The magic number , a new study from scientists at the Santa Fe Institute in New Mexico reveals , is about 10 years .

  16. 专业魔术师安迪•格莱德温在这个简单易学的教程中告诉你一个神奇的数字魔术,你可以在家里学习。

    Professional magician Andy Gladwin from learnmagicshop.com features in this easy to follow tutorial showing you a fantastic magic number trick you can learn at home .

  17. 对于2009年,人们关心的是中国能否实现8%的经济增长率。这个神奇的数字被认为是确保社会稳定的必要条件。

    For this year , people want to know whether China will grow at 8 per cent , the magic number deemed necessary to ensure social stability .

  18. 如今,让邓巴感兴趣的不只是这个神奇的数字150,而是下列问题:人类走过了怎样的进化道路,才使这个最佳群体得以保持紧密联系?

    What fascinates Dunbar today is not simply that magic 150 number , but the question of how humans have evolved to enable this optimum group to bond .

  19. 他们发现“三”是一个神奇的数字,他们的数据表明在同时攻击三个主干突变后,会成功摧毁“大树的主干”,并最终摧毁肿瘤内的每一个癌细胞。

    Three was the magic number . Their calculations suggest that targeting three base mutations at the same time will " chop the trunk down " and destroy every single cell in the tumour .

  20. 周三在中国的首映获得了900万美元,电影在全球拥有高达1亿5000万票房,这个神奇的数字使续集有可能成为现实。

    And so with a $ 9m Wednesday opening in China , the film has an international take that tops $ 150m , pushing it towards the magic number that could equal a green light for the sequel .

  21. 虽然这项研究显示,当说到一起过夜之前需要几次约会时,这个神奇的数字是三,但十分之一的人表示,要达到过夜的程度他们需要十次以上的约会。

    Although the study shows that three is the magic number when it comes to the number of dates needed before an overnight stay , one in ten said they need more than ten meetings to get to that point .

  22. 并没有所谓“神奇”的数字,也没有用于选择哪个数字的基本原则,这需要您自己做出决定。

    There 's no magic number and no basic guideline for what number to pick ; this is a decision you need to make .

  23. 在中国,被认为足以避免社会动荡的神奇经济增长率数字据说是8%。

    In China , the magic number deemed adequate to stave off social unrest is said to be 8 per cent .

  24. 研究人员已经神奇地将这些数字翻倍,这样一来,他们发现2019年之前研发成功的几率上升到了93%,但是2010年之前成功的几率依然维持在低于5%的水平。

    The researchers magically doubled these numbers and found that the chance of success by 2019 went up to 93 % , but success by 2010 remained less than 5 % probable .