
shén guài
  • gods and spirits
神怪 [shén guài]
  • [gods and spirits] 泛指传说中的神仙鬼怪

  • 《西游记》是一部神怪小说

神怪[shén guài]
  1. 首先对神怪一词作了简要界定。

    Firstly , delimites the word " gods and spirits " briefly .

  2. 作为类型的神怪章回小说

    Gods and Spirits Chapter Novels as a Type

  3. 他擦了擦灯,神怪出现了。

    He rubbed it and the genie stood in front of him .

  4. 林纾对哈葛德冒险与神怪小说的解读

    Lin Shu 's Interpretation of Haggard 's Adventure , Ghost and Monster Stories

  5. 这时,一个神怪出现在他面前。

    Then a Genie appeared in front of him .

  6. 拍现场的布景和人物,真是神怪。

    Of the set and the people , and it 's just freaky .

  7. 第一节按物形到人形的演变线索将神怪形象的形态分为四大类。

    The first section , divides the gods and spirits image to Four categories .

  8. 一只神怪站到了她面前。

    A Genie stood in front of her .

  9. 往坏处想,他被邪恶的神怪附身了

    At worst , possession -- that he 'd been seized by an evil jinn ,

  10. 古宅,神怪,巧合&浅谈《维莱特》的哥特小说因素

    Ancient Residence , Spirits and Coincidenas ── A Superficial Understanding of the Gothic Elements in Villette

  11. 这个神怪把阿拉丁带回了家。

    The Genie took Aladdin home .

  12. 偶尔她作出非凡很是神怪的心情看着我似乎在问:“你实情是哪个星球的人呢?”

    Other times she gives me that odd look that asks ," What planet were you born on ?"

  13. 魔术师擦了擦灯,神怪出现了。“你要什么?”

    The magician rubbed it and the genie stood in front of him ," what do you want ?"

  14. 于是阿拉丁叫神怪把他送去非洲,带到房子和公主所在的地方。

    Then Aladdin asked the Genie to take him to Africa where he saw his house and the Princess .

  15. 事实上,他非常肯定他只是恶魔附身,被神怪占有

    In fact , he was so sure that he could only be majnun , possessed by a jinn ,

  16. 很快,神怪在桌子上摆满了食物,多得足够吃三天了。

    So the Genie set a wonderful meal down on the table . There is enough food for three days .

  17. 波尔,我说,你对神怪的事会相信吗?我是说这儿的人听了都会取笑的事?

    Pole , I say , are you good at believing things ? I mean things that everyone here would laugh at ?

  18. 文章首先说明德内利博物馆保存至今的来龙去脉以及其收藏中的神怪动物内容。

    The article first recounts the origins and development to the present day of the Ennery museum and its fantastic animal collection .

  19. 此外,这部小说将志怪小说的神怪体系加以完善,对鬼怪世界做了进一步的充实和扩建。

    In addition , this novel has improved the genie system of myths and novels , strengthened and expanded the world of ghosts .

  20. 最杰出的神怪作家往往也是最伟大的讽刺作家。我国已培养也大批杰出的作家和科学家。

    The best fabulists have often been the greatest satirists . Our country has thrown up a number of great writers and scientists .

  21. 当他在反复回忆的时候,一个神怪出现在他的旁边,他问:“主人,你的第三个愿望是什么?”

    As he stumbles about unsure of himself , a genie appears beside him and says " What is your third wish , master ?"

  22. 庄子神怪现建立在道家政治理念基础之上,是庄学政治理想的托古和演绎。

    Zhuangzhi 's view of gods and ghosts , an extension of his own political ideal , was formed on the basis of Taoists'political thoughts .

  23. 《封神演义》,俗称《封神榜》,是一部中国神怪小说,作者不详,普遍认为是明朝的许仲琳或陈仲琳。

    FengShenYanyi , also known as The Investiture of the Gods , is one of the major Vernacular Chinese novels written in the Ming Dynasty .

  24. 本文从文化接受的角度,探讨十九世纪后期法国人喜爱中国艺术中神怪动物题材的品味问题。

    From the perspective of cultural reception , this article explores the question of the taste in late nineteenth century France for fantastic animals in Chinese art .

  25. 第一节神怪形象与生死意识主要论述了神怪形象表现的死亡意识和反映的生命诉求;第二节神怪形象与生存价值主要论述了神怪形象蕴含的个体生命的精神追求和社会意义。

    The first section mainly discusses the consciousness of death and the demand of life ; The second section discusses the spirit pursuit and social meaning of individual life .

  26. 海洋蕴含丰饶的宝藏,但在古人眼中则充满了神怪、传奇与诱惑,诱惑着古代人们走向海洋。

    The ocean , rich in natural resources , was in the eyes of ancient people full of spirits , mysteries and temptations , which attracted them to the ocean .

  27. 相较于爱情小说而言,神怪小说更多地体现出作家的奇思妙想,故而这类小说在结构很大程度上体现在奇妙的情节以及超人的小说技巧上。

    Comparing with the love novels , Ghost novels show the marvelous plots . Therefore , the structure of these style novels was displayed on the marvelous plots and superior writing technique .

  28. 凄怨是李贺诗歌核心意象群的审美特征,具体表现在自然、社会、神怪三大类意象中。

    Complaints of miseries are aesthetic features in core group of imagery and association of poetry by Li He & late Tong Dynasty , which respectively embody in nature , society , gods and ghosts .

  29. 巫术是神怪小说情节构建甚至整部作品创作构思的原发点和内在动力,它为神怪小说的创作提供了许多神秘的母题和原型。

    Witchcraft is the starting point and inherent power of myth episodic plot structure and even the frame of the whole work , providing multitudes of mysterious motifs and archetypes for novels of gods and spirits .

  30. 解放前,连环画的内容从民间传说、戏曲新闻逐渐转变成以武侠神怪、封建迷信为主,连环画也一直被视为低级庸俗的代名词,遭到诟病和谴责。

    Before liberation , the serial story pictures content from folklore , opera news gradually transformed into the martial arts fantasy , superstition-based , have always been regarded as a synonym for vulgar , was criticized and condemned .