
  • 网络Costume Drama;costume;costume film;Period Film
  1. 试谈邵氏电影对中国古装片及市场经营的影响与启示

    The Influence and Enlightenment of Shao Films on Chinese Films in Ancient Costume and Their Running

  2. 我很少拍古装片,他说。

    I rarely do costume pictures , he said .

  3. 几乎所有的古装片都包含了中国武术和动作片的元素。

    All our period films seem to be mixed with martial arts and action .

  4. 古装片《爱玛姑娘要出嫁》和《莎翁情史》为她赢得了至今为止最高的赞誉,后者还使她赢得了奥斯卡最佳女主角奖。

    Her greatest acclaim so far has come from the period pieces " Emma " and " Shakespeare in Love , " the latter which earned her a Best Actress Oscar .

  5. 他们有的打理私人住宅,有的坐镇度假酒店,其职责与电视剧《唐顿庄园》和古装片《高斯福庄园》刻画的管家大相径庭。

    Yet thousands of Butlers work at private homes , resorts , and in consulting roles that look only a little like those portrayed in the television show Downton Abbey or period movies such as Gosford park .

  6. 然而,令人惊讶的是,好莱坞古装片都搞错了:爱国者美国兵和英国兵(注:美国独立战争时期英国士兵穿红色军上衣)的发音更接近当代美国口音而不是女王时期的标准英语。

    What 's surprising , though , is that Hollywood costume dramas get it all wrong : The Patriots and the Redcoats spoke with accents that were much closer to the contemporary American accent than to the Queen 's English .

  7. 影片中有多处充满视觉冲击的场景。虽然大中华地区多位人气颇高的演员加盟此片,但近几个月来中国内地票房市场上古装动作片的票房成绩一直难有起色。

    While the film 's cast is packed with popular actors from around greater China , period action movies have struggled at the mainland box office in recent months .

  8. 所以我们总是拍古装武侠片,或者是新中国成立以前那段时期的片子。这位香港编剧解释道。

    That 's why we usually make ' ancient swordsman ' films , or stories that happen in the period before the founding of the New China , the Hong Kong screenwriter explained .

  9. 再如:中国的古典舞,更是可以运用到古装题材的歌舞片中,目前,我国还没有专门的古装歌舞片,但这不失为中国歌舞片发展的一条创新之路。

    Another example : the Chinese classical dance , but also can be applied to the musical theme of costume , the present , no special costume musicals , but this may well be the development of a Chinese musical innovation .