
gǔ xī
  • seventy years of age;three score years and ten
古稀 [gǔ xī]
  • [three score years and ten;seventy years of age] 称人年七十

  • 酒债寻常行处有,人生七十古来稀。--杜甫《曲江》

  • 古稀之年

古稀[gǔ xī]
  1. 孙子孙女们长大了,爷爷、奶奶年迈古稀。

    Grandchildren grow up , and grandparents grow older .

  2. 这些古稀老人因为在生活的不同领域取得成就而受到尊敬。

    The Living Treasures are honoured for their achievements in many different areas of life .

  3. 菲律宾著名华文作家吴新钿博士,年届古稀时出版第一本诗集。

    Famous Chinese Philippine author Dr. Wu Xindian published his first poetry anthology in his seventies .

  4. 在绝大多数历史记载中,就连较为常见的古稀老人都很少。

    In most of recorded history even the more familiar three score years and ten was rare .

  5. 当他们走上舞台,上演《情书》,我忘记了他们已经是古稀老人。

    I forget that they are senior citizens as they take the stage in " Love Letters . "

  6. 《飞屋环游记》上来就是情感冲击,一位古稀老人失去了自己的妻子,开始了新的冒险。

    Up began with the emotional hammer blow of an aging character losing his wife before he embarked on a new adventure .

  7. 桃树下,一古稀老人眼戴一副老花镜,手捧一册典籍,聚精会神地阅读着。

    Under the peach tree , a seventy years of age wearing a pair of old eye reading glasses , hands and one classics , attentively reading the .

  8. 几天前,一位古稀老人在河北保定的一条大街上试图阻止两个窃贼而被打翻在地并遭毒打。

    A few days ago , a man in his70s was knocked down and beaten by two thieves he was trying to stop on a street in baoding , Hebei province .

  9. 1929年,在他五十寿辰的时候,人们在柏林举行大的庆祝会。这辆车久历风尘,该庆古稀高寿,可是抗战时期,未便退休。

    In 1929 a great celebration was held on his fiftieth birthday in Berlin . After a long , hard life on the road , this bus should have been celebrating its golden anniversary , but it obviously could not retire during the War of Resistance .