
  1. 股票指数突破点1300点大关

    The stock index Broke the 1300-point mark

  2. 在过去的十余年时间里,我国股票市场突破计划时代的体制藩篱和意识形态的束缚正从无到有、从小到大地逐步发展起来,证券经济的概念已经深入人心。

    In the past 10 years , the stock market of our country has broken through the system fence of planned times with ideology tie and developed step by step since childhood , the concept of bond economy has gone deep into popular feeling .

  3. 美国股市趋势突破不像香港和其他亚洲股票市场的趋势突破那样发展。

    The America market trend breakouts are not as well developed as the trend breaks in Hong Kong , and other Asian markets .

  4. 随着中国散户投资者继续忽视有关股市泡沫风险的警告,仍在源源不断地将新资金投入股市,中国的股票账户数量日前突破1亿户。

    The number of share trading accounts established in China now exceeds 100m as the country 's retail investors continue to ignore warnings about the risks of a stock market bubble and continue to put new money into the market .