
ɡǔ dōnɡ chánɡ huì
  • regular meeting of stockholders
  1. 前项股东常会应于每会计年度终了后六个月内召开。但有正当事由经报请主管机关核准者,不在此限。

    The regular meeting of shareholders referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be convened within six months after close of each fiscal year , unless otherwise approved the competent authority for good cause shown .

  2. 当公司为大股东或控制股东控制时,为了保证其利益,控制股东常拒绝召开股东会,少数股东的有效救济措施是寻求司法介入。

    When a company is controlled by the major shareholders and controlling shareholders , they usually refuse to hold shareholders ' meetings so as to ensure their interests , in which case , the effective remedy available for the minor shareholders is to seek judicial intervention .