
  • 网络repurchases;share repurchase;stock repurchase
  1. 依然针对股东知情权、异议股东的股权回购请求权和公司解散请求权三方面提出完善建议。

    The suggestions are still considering about the minority shareholders ' information rights / share repurchase rights and the right to call dissolution of the company .

  2. 笔者从中小股东利益保护与不侵犯债权人利益两个角度,提出有限责任公司异议股东股权回购请求权的完善措施,是本文的创新之所在。

    The author puts forward sound measures about dissenting shareholder of a limited liability company share repurchase claims , from the two angles which concludes the protection of the interests of minority shareholders and not infringing the interests of creditors , is the innovation of this paper lies .

  3. 这就是本文所要探讨的异议股东股权回购请求权制度。

    This is the objection shareholder stock buy-back request power system .

  4. 股权回购上市公司股权运作的双刃剑

    Equity Repurchase & Two-edged Sword in Equity Operation of Listed Companies

  5. 股权回购价格均衡机理分析

    An Analysis of Equilibrium Mechanisms for Redemption Price of Shares

  6. 含看跌期权的股权回购方式在企业融资中的应用研究

    An Application of Stock - Repurchase of Dropping Option in Enterprise ' Financing

  7. 债转股企业股权回购博弈模型

    A Bargaining Game Model of Share Back Purchase in Swap of Debt to Equity

  8. 它甚至还宣布了一笔股权回购。

    It even announced a share buy-back .

  9. 近年来,全球资本市场出现了股权回购的浪潮。

    In recent years , there has been a wave of stockright repurchase in the global capital market .

  10. 笔者认为,异议股东股权回购请求权对于公司治理结构的优化功能往往不被人们重视。

    The writer think that the function of optimizing the Company Governance Structure in the appraisal rights usually can not be valued by people .

  11. 房地产占到借款的66%,而非金融企业领域占了18%,用于股权回购、杠杆收购和并购。

    Real estate accounted for 66 per cent of borrowing , while 18 per cent was spent by the non-financial corporate sector on equity buy-backs , leveraged buy-outs and mergers .

  12. 并且,为保证按期得到股息支付和股权回购,资产管理公司应该树立强硬形象,监控债转股企业的财务与经营管理。

    Nay , AMC must build up hawkish visualize to supervise and control enterprise 's financial affairs and management in order to gain dividend and rights of section is bought back .

  13. 涉及异议股东股权回购请求权的概念、特征、历史渊源等一般含义,以及异议股东股权回购请求权的理论依据。

    Involved in the general meaning of the concept , characteristics , and historical origins of the dissenting shareholder equity repurchase claims , as well as the theoretical basis of the dissenting shareholder equity repurchase claim .

  14. 异议股东股权回购请求权直接赋予股东以公平退出权,是一种防止控制股东滥用资本多数决的有效机制。

    The appraisal rights of the shareholder directly endow the power with the equity for the shareholder , which is a kind of valid mechanism to prevent the controlling shareholders definitely from abusing the majority-capital-control doctrine .

  15. 星期四晚间,印尼政府宣布了新的经济救助方案。其中包括放松对商业银行的资本储备要求,简化上市公司股权回购,以及采用更灵活的资产定价会计制度。

    Late Thursday evening the government announced new measures to safeguard the economy , including easing reserve requirements for commercial banks , making it easier for listed firms to conduct share buybacks , and easing accounting rules on the fair value of assets .

  16. 文件中说,梅耶尔的评估过程可能导致我们现有计划的重估或改变,包括我们的重组计划、股权回购计划以及此前宣布的将回售雅虎在阿里巴巴股权的大部分税后现金所得返还给股东的计划。

    Ms. Mayer 's ' review process may lead to a reevaluation of , or changes to , our current plans , including our restructuring plan , our share repurchase program , and our previously announced plans for returning to shareholders substantially all of the after tax cash proceeds ' from the sale of Yahoo 's stake in Alibaba .

  17. 对于有限责任公司而言,由于人合性导致的股权转让不自由,异议股东股权回购请求权的制度价值显得更为重要。

    For limited liability company , the result of harmonious cooperation among the equity transfer is not free , the system value of the dissenting shareholder equity repurchase claims is even more important .