
  1. 论股票发行核准制

    Viewpoints on Institution of Approval in Stock Issuing

  2. 我国股票发行核准制自2001年3月起正式实施,股票发行核准制开创了我国股票发行史上新的时代。

    The qualification approval system of stock issuance in China commenced in March , 2001.The new approval system started a new era in stock issuance history in China .

  3. 股票发行核准制取消了政府对上市指标和额度的管理,证券监管机构职能被重新定位,股票发行的行政色彩弱化;

    Under the qualification approval system , the government 's administrative control on the listing-quota has been eliminated , the function of the government in stock issuance has been redressed .

  4. 《中华人民共和国证券法》规定,在我国股票发行采用核准制。

    The institution of approval in stock issuing is used in our stock market according to the Chinese Securities Act .

  5. 本文首先对股票发行注册制和核准制两种模式的基本理念及优点与不足进行了深入具体的研究。

    This article first carried out deeply research to basic ideas and advantages and shortages of two kinds of patterns about the registration and the verification system .

  6. 随着我国股票发行额度制的退出及股票发行核准制的正式实施,一直被忽视的IPO发行人质量评价问题得到了证券市场前所未有的重视。

    With the implementation of authorization system of issuance of shares , the evaluation of the stock issuer 's quality of IPO , which has been neglected for a long time , has aroused great attention .