
  • 网络Placing
  1. 而任何局部的、技术性或者形式上的IPO变革措施,诸如核准制、单纯市场化询价、股票配售方式等等都是治标不治本的方法。

    And any local , technical or formal IPO reform measures , such as the approval system , simple market-based inquiry , the stock distribution , and so are palliative approach .

  2. 根据数据提供商dealogic的数据,友邦保险的股票配售将是亚洲今年规模最大的大宗交易,也是第四笔涉及友邦保险的大宗交易。

    The AIA placement would be the biggest block trade in Asia this year , and the fourth involving AIA , according to Dealogic .

  3. 在股票配售发行公告之后交易通常开始的时间上,两地也存在差异。

    There is also a difference on when dealings typically begin after the publication of share allotments .

  4. 在主张上市价格过低或是股票配售给了错误投资者的案件中,他们都提供过专业证据。

    They have provided expert evidence in claims that floats were sold too cheaply or allocated to the wrong investors .

  5. 在上海证交所上市的企业,通常等待5天的时间,而在香港上市的企业,则在股票配售公告发布后的次日就开始交易。

    Shanghai-listed companies normally wait five days , while those listed in Hong Kong begin trading the day after share allocations are announced .

  6. 外国公司同样不甘示弱:今年早些时候“普拉达”在香港发行25亿美元的股票配售,“卡地亚”在中国大陆有超过110家商店,来往顾客络绎不绝。不过在大城市之外鲜见它们的身影。

    Foreign firms are also expanding - Prada had a $ 2.5 billion stock placement in Hong Kong earlier this year , and Cartier has more than 110 bustling stores on the mainland - but they rarely stray outside the big cities .

  7. 两位知情人士透露,普拉达此次IPO仍然进展顺利,因为至少有90%的股票将配售给机构投资者,且此次发行已获得逾4倍的超额认购。

    The IPO is still on track because at least 90 per cent of the shares will be allotted to institutional investors , and the offer is more than four times subscribed , two people familiar with the matter said .

  8. 该公司还拥有再发行1.137亿股现有股票的超额配售选择权,这将使其筹资总额扩大至15亿美元。

    There is also an over-allotment option for the company to sell an extra 113.7m existing shares , bringing the total amount raised to $ 1.5bn .

  9. 随着机构投资者寻求在这个受到低流动性束缚的市场买入股票,今年此类股票配售的总价值几乎增加一倍。

    The value of such share placements has almost doubled this year as institutional investors sought to access stock in a market hampered by low liquidity .

  10. 允许上市公司在价低时回购自己的股票,然后在行情回升后再将回购的股票配售给股东,可较好地解决这一问题。

    E. to allow the company to buy-back its own shares when the price is low , and sells to its shareholders when the price rises .