
  1. 按照当前股价计算,LinkedIn的市值将达到96亿美元,霍夫曼也成了亿万富翁。

    The current price gives LinkedIn a market valuation of $ 9.6 billion , and makes Hoffman a billionaire .

  2. 按照目前的股价计算,谷歌的市值已达到1870亿美元&高于很多规模更大、更为成熟的公司,如沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)、可口可乐(Coca-Cola)、惠普(HP)和IBM。

    Based on its current share price , Google has a market value of $ 187bn – more than many bigger , more mature businesses such as Wal-Mart , Coca-Cola , Hewlett-Packard and IBM .

  3. 此次售股将美国财政部首次尝试减持AIG股份。美国财政部目前持有AIG的92%股份,按当前股价计算,总价值约为690亿美元。

    The share sale is the first attempt by the US Treasury to reduce its 92 per cent stake in AIG , which is worth about $ 69bn at current prices .

  4. 按当前股价计算,高盛所持股权价值超过80亿美元。

    Its stake is worth more than $ 8bn at current prices .

  5. 据备案文件显示,以6月30日的股价计算,这些股票总值为19亿美元。

    The shares were worth $ 1.9 billion at June 30 , according to filings .

  6. 从纸面上看,按照赠与时的股价计算,这批股份价值超过3.76亿美元。

    On paper , the shares were worth more than $ 376 million when the grant was made .

  7. 辛诺夫斯基总计将获得418361股微软股票,按照昨日的股价计算价值1420万美元。

    In total , Mr Sinofsky will receive 418361 shares , worth $ 14.2m at yesterday 's share price .

  8. 拥有该公司22%股份的马斯克,已经可以获得一半奖酬,以今天的股价计算是5.5亿美元。

    Mr Musk - who owns 22 per cent of the company - could already collect half the award , worth $ 550m today .

  9. 按昨日股价计算,中国国开行在巴克莱所持股份的价值,自一年前购得这块股份以来差不多已经减半。

    Based on yesterday 's share price , the value of CDB 's investment in Barclays has roughly halved from when it bought the stake a year ago .

  10. 分析师表示,以东航目前的股价计算,预计新加坡航空购入东航25%股权的价格将高达10亿美元。

    Analysts said they expected the Singaporean carrier to pay as much as $ 1bn for a 25 per cent stake in CEA , based on its share price .

  11. 按目前股价计算,黑莓市值约为53亿美元,与仅仅3年前高达410多亿美元的市值相比,一落千丈。

    At that share price the company is valued at about $ 5.3bn , a steep drop from a market capitalisation of more than $ 41bn just three years ago .

  12. 总部位于美国的沃尔玛近日表示,将向京东出售旗下1号店网站。沃尔玛将获得京东5%的股份,按近期股价计算,这些股票价值约为15亿美元。

    US-based Wal-Mart said it will sell its Yihaodian website to JD.com Inc. Wal-Mart will receive a 5 % stake in JD.com , valued at roughly $ 1.5b at recent prices .

  13. 以6月3日5.70港元的股价计算,从公开市场回购中信国金所有股份将需要近100亿港元。

    Buying back all of Citic International 's shares from the public would cost nearly HK $ 10bn , based on on the 3 June 's share price of HK $ 5.70 .

  14. 上证综合指数是根据上海证券市场所有上市公司的股价加权计算而得。

    The Shanghai Composite Index is made up of the weighted share prices of all the listed companies in Shanghai stock market .

  15. 按当前股价562.29美元计算,这些受限股总价值为5600万美元。这些回报似乎并不取决于特定的绩效标准。

    At the current share price of $ 562.29 , the total grant of RSUs is worth $ 56m . It does not appear to be dependent on specific performance criteria .

  16. 按市销率(股价/销售额)计算,自去年11月的行业低谷以来,必和必拓的估值已上涨两倍多,而其它企业仅上涨一倍。

    Since the sector trough last November , BHP 's valuation has more than tripled on a price / sales basis , while others have merely doubled .

  17. 从雅虎当前股价中减去上面计算出来的27美元以及雅虎第三季度末账面上的每股现金3.11美元,得到的是每股10.96美元。

    Taking that $ 27 and net cash of $ 3.11 a share on Yahoo 's books at the end of the third quarter off the current share price leaves $ 10.96 a share .

  18. 此外,对股价波动率的计算方法等都做了修正,具体请参见本文第五章第二节;(2)模型方程的求解方面。

    In addition , so as the risk-free rate , the share price volatility etc. , which all did correction , specific please see this article chapter 5 second quarter ; ( 2 ) the model equations solving aspects .

  19. 不仅如此,为了让投资者明确筛选出来的优质股票,其合理的股价区间,本文还通过修正市盈率和市净率模型,建立了新的股价计算模型。

    In order to find the way to screen the reasonable price interval of high quality stocks , this paper makes use of new P / E Ratio and P / B Ratio to establish a new computational model of share price .