
The current price gives LinkedIn a market valuation of $ 9.6 billion , and makes Hoffman a billionaire .
Based on its current share price , Google has a market value of $ 187bn – more than many bigger , more mature businesses such as Wal-Mart , Coca-Cola , Hewlett-Packard and IBM .
The share sale is the first attempt by the US Treasury to reduce its 92 per cent stake in AIG , which is worth about $ 69bn at current prices .
Its stake is worth more than $ 8bn at current prices .
The shares were worth $ 1.9 billion at June 30 , according to filings .
On paper , the shares were worth more than $ 376 million when the grant was made .
In total , Mr Sinofsky will receive 418361 shares , worth $ 14.2m at yesterday 's share price .
Mr Musk - who owns 22 per cent of the company - could already collect half the award , worth $ 550m today .
Based on yesterday 's share price , the value of CDB 's investment in Barclays has roughly halved from when it bought the stake a year ago .
Analysts said they expected the Singaporean carrier to pay as much as $ 1bn for a 25 per cent stake in CEA , based on its share price .
At that share price the company is valued at about $ 5.3bn , a steep drop from a market capitalisation of more than $ 41bn just three years ago .
US-based Wal-Mart said it will sell its Yihaodian website to JD.com Inc. Wal-Mart will receive a 5 % stake in JD.com , valued at roughly $ 1.5b at recent prices .
Buying back all of Citic International 's shares from the public would cost nearly HK $ 10bn , based on on the 3 June 's share price of HK $ 5.70 .
The Shanghai Composite Index is made up of the weighted share prices of all the listed companies in Shanghai stock market .
At the current share price of $ 562.29 , the total grant of RSUs is worth $ 56m . It does not appear to be dependent on specific performance criteria .
Since the sector trough last November , BHP 's valuation has more than tripled on a price / sales basis , while others have merely doubled .
Taking that $ 27 and net cash of $ 3.11 a share on Yahoo 's books at the end of the third quarter off the current share price leaves $ 10.96 a share .
In addition , so as the risk-free rate , the share price volatility etc. , which all did correction , specific please see this article chapter 5 second quarter ; ( 2 ) the model equations solving aspects .
In order to find the way to screen the reasonable price interval of high quality stocks , this paper makes use of new P / E Ratio and P / B Ratio to establish a new computational model of share price .