
  1. 一位接近李泽楷的顾问表示,李泽楷的商业兴趣主要有三块,那就是电信、房地产和金融服务ing上述保险业务属于这个范围。

    Richard Li has three main business interests telecoms , property and financial services according to one close adviser , so the ing insurance arm would fit with that .

  2. 但是,由于建筑物的生命周期和长期投资的性质,房地产和金融服务行业亦面临气候风险。

    But the property and financial services sectors are also exposed to climate risk due to the life cycle of buildings and the nature of their long-term investments .

  3. 尽管建筑业,房地产和金融服务业就业下降,但整体就业在增长表明美国房地产业降温以及次债危机得到了控制。

    The overall jobs growth came even though employment fell in construction , real estate and financial services , suggesting the housing downturn and credit crisis so far remain contained .

  4. 纸浆、造纸、粘胶纤维、棕榈油生产、工程建设、发电、液化天然气、房地产开发、金融服务。

    Pulp , Paper , Crude Palm Oil , Rayon , Project Development , Engineering Construction , LNG , Power Plant , Property Development , Trading Financial Service .

  5. 香港中旅金融控股(ChinaTravelFinancialHoldings)是关注旅游业的中国国有企业中旅(CTS)的子公司,中旅的业务已扩大到钢铁、房地产、物流和金融服务。

    China Travel Financial Holdings is part of CTS , a travel-focused state-owned enterprise that has been diversifying into iron and steel , property , logistics and financial services .

  6. 此外,财政收入增加也是房地产市场繁荣与金融服务行业兴旺以及燃油税改革的结果,王解释说。

    In addition , the revenue growth was also a result of the booming property market and financial services industry as well as the fuel tax reform , he explained .