
  1. DouglassElliman房产经纪公司正出售该楼盘一套面积2550平方英尺、售价360万美元的2卧公寓。

    Douglass Elliman is marketing a two-bedroom , 2550 sq ft apartment in the development for $ 3.6m .

  2. 许多新开发楼盘针对高端市场,而昔日的高端楼盘供给一直屈指可数。“楼盘存量低一直是在布鲁克林高地等区域置业的最大障碍。”房产经纪公司科科伦(Corcoran)纽约分部经纪莱斯利氠歇尔(LeslieMarshall)说。

    Many of the new projects target the upper end of the market , where availability has traditionally been tight . " Low inventory has always been the biggest obstacle to buying real estate in places like Brooklyn Heights , " says Leslie Marshall , an estate agent at Corcoran 's local office .

  3. 我们一直在招会讲汉语的经纪人,还开始和中国的房产经纪公司建立关系。

    We have been recruiting Mandarin-speaking agents and have launched affiliations with brokers in China .

  4. 房产经纪公司塑造自己的品牌已迫在眉睫,只有树立有实力、重诚信、让消费者放心的品牌,才能在激烈的竞争中脱颖而出。

    Real estate brokerage firm to shape their own brand is imminent , only to establish the strength , integrity , so that consumer confidence in the brand , to the fierce competition .

  5. 该公司表示,房产经纪公司平均每家分店账面有75套未售住宅,为有记录以来的最高水平。但它补充表示,卖房者开始变得更加现实。

    It says estate agents on average have 75 unsold homes on their books at each branch , the highest level it has recorded , but adds that sellers are starting to be more realistic .

  6. 因此,打造品牌、提升品牌已成为许多有远见的房产经纪公司的理念和行动,品牌的建立和塑造已经是一些大型房产经纪公司发展的重要手段。

    Therefore build brands , enhance the brand has become a real estate brokerage firms in many visionary ideas and actions , brand building and shaping the real estate brokerage firms have been some large important means of development .

  7. 这是一个社会精英居住的地区,负责本文这处房产销售的罗里·巴兰坦房产经纪公司的所有者罗里·巴兰坦(RoryBallantyne)说。

    This is where the social elite live , said Rory Ballantyne , owner of the eponymous real estate agency that is handling the sale .