
  1. 砌体结构设计计算中的几个问题砖混房屋主体结构施工质量通病与防治

    Quality Problems and Precautions for Structural Construction of Masonry Building

  2. 主裙楼-体房屋主体结构地基承载力深度修正的合理算法主从结构的自适应滤波器

    Computed Method of Depth Revision of Foundation Soil Bearing Capacity on Tall-Podium Building Main Subordinate Architecture Adaptive Filter

  3. 施工过程中如果能加强对这些质量问题的主动控制,对现浇框架房屋主体结构的质量创优会有立竿见影的效果。

    These measures are effective in construction of high quality main structure of cast-in-place framework house when we strengthen control the quality problem in our initiative .

  4. 本文对现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构房屋主体结构的钢筋、模板、混凝土和砌体四个分项工程,在施工过程中较易产生质量问题的环节进行简要分析,并提出相应的预防措施。

    This paper briefly analyzed the sector apt to create quality problem during the construction of bar , frame , concrete , and masonry engineering in main structure of cast-in-place framework house , and proposed the related preventive measures .