
  1. 商品房交付的若干法律问题研究

    Research on Legal Problems in Delivery of Commercial Housing

  2. 商品房交付条件探究

    On Delivery Condition of Commodity Housing

  3. 我国法律对商品房交付条件并未作出明确规定。

    There is no clear regulation on the delivery conditions of commercial residential building in the law of China .

  4. 这样不仅能对开发商的交付行为进行规范,也有利于适应千差万别的商品房交付环境。

    Such a protection will regulate the house delivery behaviors of the real estate developers , and will adapt the law to the various delivery circumstances .

  5. 作者从分析竣工验收备案的法律性质入手,围绕目前争议较大的有关竣工验收行为的可诉性及与商品房交付的关系等几个方面,提出了自己的见解。

    Starting from analysis on its legal property , the author put forth his opinion centering on the litigable nature of final acceptance and records activity and its relationship .

  6. 通过解读相关法条并分析房地产法律规范的立法目的,商品房交付条件的规定应定性为强行性规定。

    By unscrambling of related provisions and analyzing the legislative purpose of legal norm on real estate industry , the regulations on the delivery conditions of commercial residential building are identified as mandatory provisions .

  7. 答:商品房交付使用后,买受人认为主体结构质量不合格的,可以依照有关规定委托工程质量检测机构重新核验。

    Answer : after commodity house consign is used , vendee thinks main body tractor dry mass is unqualified , can according to entrusts project quality to detect about the regulation the orgnaization is new nuclear check .

  8. 商品房交付条件规定的性质属于强行性规定还是任意性规定,是确定购房者与开发商约定的交付条件条款是否有效的前提。

    The nature of the regulations on the delivery conditions of commercial residential building , mandatory provision or arbitrary provision , determines whether the terms on delivery conditions stated by house purchasers and real estate developers are in effect or not .

  9. 在确定了商品房交付条件的内容和法律性质的基础上,得出开发商不具备交付条件交房应承担逾期交房违约责任。

    With the content and legal nature of the delivery condition of commercial residential building confirmed , the real estate developer who delivers houses for use with the delivery conditions unmatched , is conclude to afford the responsibility of breaking the contract by late delivering .

  10. 论文从商品房交付条件、不可抗拒力的认定、履行抗辩权三个方面深入地分析了纠纷产生的主客观原因,并提出了解决问题的方案。

    This paper attempts to analyze the subjective and objective causes for the disputes concerned in terms of the conditions for delivery of marketable houses , the identification of force majeure and the implementation of plea rights and to put forth some proposals for settling the issue .

  11. 完善和落实商品房交付条件相关规定要从立法、行政和司法等方面努力,力求明确商品房交付条件,减少因商品房交付而发生的法律纠纷。

    Completing and implementing the regulations on delivery conditions of commercial residential building need efforts in legislation , administration and judicature , for the purpose of making conditions of commercial residential building delivery clear and reducing the amount of legal disputes over the delivery of commercial residential buildings .

  12. 而在《商品房买卖合同》中,越来越多的当事人选择综合验收合格作为商品房交付应满足的条件。

    But in " Commercial housing Contract of sales ", more and more litigants chooses the synthesis approval qualified the condition which should satisfy as the commercial housing payment .

  13. 在商品房买卖合同交易中,购房者有两大核心目标,一是符合条件的商品房交付,二是商品房所有权证的取得。

    In the contract 's transaction of commercial housing sales , the house buyers have two core objectives . One is the delivery of commercial housing which matches conditions ;