- 网络business studies

Bernardo bortolotti , Professor of business studies at the University of Turin and an author of the study , said : " you can start to think of selling in a depressed market but generally you are better to wait . "
On Feb. 13 , Fortune 's Adam Lashinsky interviewed David Fischer , Facebook 's vice president of business and marketing partnerships , at a conference on the future of media hosted by Stanford 's Graduate School of Business .
One of the things that was interesting when I was at the [ Stanford Graduate School of Business ] and then went to Google that struck me is , you know , when you talked about building a company there it always started with the business plan and monetization plan .
Tony Zhang is one of those who is convinced that graduate business education is not just for investment bankers : he studied for an EMBA at Ceibs when he was already a successful entrepreneur with his popular Tony 's Restaurant chain .
They are swashbuckling , self-made men ( and sometimes women ) often with little formal education – let alone a graduate degree in business .
Jeffrey Pfeffer teaches organizational behavior at Stanfords Graduate School of Business and is the author of the fantastic book Power : Why Some People Have It and Others Dont .
He started in the United States as a correspondent for a number of British newspapers . From 1950 to 1972 he was professor of business at New York University Graduate School of business .
A report , published last year by the Stanford Graduate School of Business , concludes that women who are assertive and confident , but who can turn these traits on and off depending on the circumstance get more promotions than either men or other women .
The commercial education is the important education type of the modern market economy . During the development process of commercial education in China , Location and research method among management , economics and commerce had been confused , which produced the disadvantageous influence on the business education .