
  • 网络business forum
  1. 但肯·阿特金森(KenAtkinson)表示入住率为大概不超过30%或40%,阿特金森是官方与企业联合设立的联盟“越南商业论坛”(VietnamBusinessForum)旗下旅游委员会的主席。

    But Ken Atkinson , chairman of the tourism working group at the Vietnam Business Forum , a public-private consortium , suggested that rate was probably not higher than 30 percent or 40 percent .

  2. 外包公司惠普罗(wipro)和塔塔咨询服务公司(tcs),已双双将亚洲总部落户新加坡,而根据印度商业论坛(indiabusinessforum)的数据,还有多达2500家印度公司在新加坡设立了基地。

    Wipro and Tata Consultancy Services , the information technology and outsourcing businesses , both have their headquarters for Asia in Singapore , and as many as 2500 other Indian companies also have bases there , according to the India Business Forum .

  3. 可持续发展问题商业论坛

    Business Forum for Sustainable Development

  4. 中纺圆桌·商业论坛在北京召开

    China Textile Business Forum

  5. 近日,澳大利亚几个主要城市举办了一系列商业论坛,推广11月份将要在上海召开的中国国际进口博览会。

    business forums have been held recently in major Australian cities to promote the China International Import Expo , scheduled in November in Shanghai .

  6. 上周六,俄罗斯总统普京飞往家乡城市圣彼得堡,参加旨在展示俄罗斯经济复苏的商业论坛。

    Today , the Russian president flies into his home city of St Petersburg for a business forum aimed at showcasing Russia 's economic recovery .

  7. 很高兴能在周六的拉丁美洲商业论坛与您会面并聆听您对巴中关系的演讲。

    It was a great pleasure to meet you on Saturday at the Latin America Business Forum and to hear your talk on China-Brazil relations .

  8. 他还说,今年的厦门峰会将会包括组织历史上最大的金砖国家商业论坛。

    The Chinese Foreign Minister also says this year 's event in Xiamen will also include the largest BRICS business forum ever held in the bloc 's history .

  9. 去年12月伯明翰和中国广州市结成了姐妹城市,今年六月中国驻英国大师傅莹女士造访伯明翰并启动了一个新的中国伯明翰商业论坛。

    Last December Birmingham was twinned with the Chinese city of Guangzhouand in June the Chinese ambassador to the uk , Madame Fu ying , visitedbirmingham to launch a new china-birmingham business forum .

  10. 祖马本人在一个中国-南非商业论坛上表示:我们可以展望未来在基础设施、采矿、工程、能源、信息、通讯技术以及电子产品方面,(两国能开展)有意义的合作。

    Zuma himself told a forum of business executives from China and South Africa : We envisage meaningful future cooperation in infrastructure , the benefaction of minerals , engineering , energy , information and communications technology and electronics .

  11. 相比之下,祖马对北京方面友好得多。他在北京向一个中国-南非商业论坛表示,中国的确是南非的一个关键战略伙伴,而南非也很愿意开展经贸往来。

    Mr Zuma , who has been far friendlier towards Beijing , told a Sino-South African business forum in Beijing that China is indeed a key strategic partner for South Africa , and South Africa is open for business in a big way .

  12. 参加第三届中国商业思想论坛(2007.12.22。北京)

    Attending The Third Forum for China Business Thinkers ( 2007.12.22 Beijing )

  13. 美中商贸联合委员会成立于1983年,是解决美中双边贸易问题、促进商业机会的主要论坛。

    Established in1983 , the JCCT is the main forum for addressing bilateral trade issues and promoting commercial opportunities between the United States and China .

  14. 现在基于网络营销性质的群发技术有很多,如:商业网站群发、论坛网站群发、邮件群发、网络终端群发等等。

    Now there are many sorts of multi-send technology , such as multi-send to business Web , forums , mailbox , net terminal and so on .

  15. 有些商业搜索引擎利用论坛数据来改善搜索结果的质量,还有些研究试图从论坛数据中挖掘有用的信息。

    Some commercial search engines have begun to leverage information from forums to improve the quality of search results , and it is also noticed that some recent research efforts have tried to mine forum data to find out useful information .