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  • painted enamel
  1. 玻璃胎画珐琅为我国首创的工艺品种。

    Glass-body painted enamel is a handicraft originated in China .

  2. 清代画珐琅工艺

    Processes of Painted Enamel in the Qing Dynasty

  3. 玻璃胎画珐琅考析

    Study and Analysis of Glass - Body Painted Enamel

  4. 广东大多数画珐琅用的是欧洲的粉彩。

    Most of the Canton enamels used the famille rose colors peculiar to Europe .

  5. 清朝康熙年间,对外贸易解禁,最为名贵的画珐琅传入我国。

    In Qing Dynasty , the ban on international trade was lifted and the most noble painting enamel was introduced to China .

  6. 如今,日本的七宝烧和西洋画珐琅中都能找到景泰蓝艺术的影迹。

    Even now , you can find traces of Jing Tai Lan in Japanese pottery making crafts and enamel in western paintings .

  7. 16世纪时,纯灰色画珐琅艺术发展于法国利摩日,此技巧在光和影上达到戏剧性的效果和明显的三维空间立体感。

    In the16th century grisaille enamels were developed in Limoges , France ; the technique achieves a dramatic effect of light and shade and a pronounced sense of three-dimensionality .

  8. 清朝宫廷御制瓷胎画珐琅作为彩瓷皇后,在世界制瓷史上有着至尊的地位,也是世界瓷器收藏界代表中国的一张名片。

    The qing court drive makes porcelain body painted enamel as queen " color porcelain ", porcelain making history has supreme status in the world , is also a business card to the world on behalf of the Chinese porcelain collectors .