
  1. 典型的方法是画额,用雄黄酒在小儿额头画“王”字,一借雄黄以驱毒,二借猛虎镇邪。长命缕

    The typical method is to draw the forehead , with realgar wine in pediatric forehead painting " king " word with realgar to avoid poison , and two tigers will ward off evil .

  2. 然而,此類计画之投资金额大、计画期程长,因此有必要定期检视计画发展内容之优先性与发展成效,作为后续修订发展计画之基础。

    Owing to the tremendous amount of budget and long term to execute the plan has to be surveyed regularly with reviewing the priority and efficiency of development for revising plans .