
huà zhóu
  • painted scroll;scroll painting
画轴 [huà zhóu]
  • [scroll painting;painted scroll] 裱后带轴的图画(总称)

  • 山水画轴

画轴[huà zhóu]
  1. AutoCAD图块操作在画轴和键槽中的应用

    The application of AutoCAD Blocks operate in painted scroll and keyway

  2. 不像大部分游客,这一小队人来这里只有一个目标:观看《清明上河图》。这幅创作于12世纪初的画轴极具代表性,被称为中国的《蒙娜丽莎》。

    Unlike most visitors , this small army had come with only one goal : to see " Along the River During the Qingming Festival , " an early 12th-century painted scroll considered so iconic that it is often called " China 's Mona Lisa . "

  3. 他的案头堆集着画轴。

    Scrolls of painting are piled up on his desk .

  4. 本文介绍了2008北京奥运开幕式LED画轴、地屏和梦幻五环的设计及制作。

    This article introduces LED scroll , ground screen and the dream of Olympic rings production for the2008 Olympic games .

  5. 画轴视图的多边形法

    A Polygon Method of Drawing the Views of Shafts

  6. 可以在任意地方画轴,不管是黑板面任意点。

    I can draw now any xy axis where I please , anywhere in the plane of the blackboard .

  7. 随着计算机绘图的应用与发展,该方法必将在更多的方面显示出比用传统的方法画轴测图优越。

    With the development and the application of computer drawing , in various ways the method will be advance of old method of drawing axonomety .

  8. 同样我们可以,用这个图像来考虑,从画轴上的波函数来考虑。

    Again we can look at this in terms of thinking about a picture this way , in terms of drawing the wave function out on an axis .

  9. 科技奥运是北京奥运会宣传的几大理念之一,组织者在开幕式上展现了一幅巨大的数字画轴,践行了这一理念。

    Technology was one of the self-proclaimed pillars of Beijing 's Games , and organizers put it on display during the opening ceremony , which featured a giant digital scroll .

  10. 我要特别感谢您让我欣赏到美好的竹艺作品,并极为大方地为我展示您的画轴与您出版的竹雕专书。

    I especially wish to thank you for allowing me to see your beautiful work in bamboo and for your extreme generosity in presenting me with the scroll and your book .

  11. 找两根结实的长树枝,把它们每一个边像画轴一样都卷进材料里,在每个末端都留一英尺的木头在外面。

    Find two long , sturdy branches and roll them into the material on each side like a long scroll , leaving about a foot of wood exposed at each end .

  12. 这幅绢本设色画轴复杂精细,生动描绘了北宋都城开封的生活。它是故宫博物院众多藏品中最著名的一幅画,仅公开展示过几次,最近一次在北京展出是2005年该博物院成立80周年之时。

    The best-known painting in the museum 's vast collection , it has been shown in public only a few times , in Beijing most recently in 2005 for the museum 's 80th anniversary .

  13. 画轴测图是辅助提高看图能力的有效手段,能解决画图难、看图难的实际问题,是目前制图教学的当务之急。

    Making axonometric drawings is an effective means to improve their ability , and it can solve the problem of their drawing and recognizing drawing difficultly . So intensifying axonometric drawing training for students is an urgent affair .