
  • 网络Christine Chang
  1. 只有空静之况,才能将两者平衡。

    Only when you are empty are you at standstill and balanced .

  2. 一群被来自上天声音赋予灵感的人,创造出了北凉静之境界和悲凉的情怀,影响着北魏的艺术风格。

    A group of people inspired by heaven created Beiliang with its charm of peace and doleful sentiments , which influenced art style of northern wei .

  3. 土的动强度与静强度之关系,国内外学者的研究成果不尽一致。

    The relationship between dynamic and static strength of soil is worth discussing .

  4. 但你们,宇宙之子,静中之动,你们不应被捕陷,不应被驯服。

    But you , children of space , you restless in rest , you shall not be trapped nor tamed .

  5. 这里的观音玉静瓶之圣水,讲沟壑滋润使青山叠翠,绿水泛彩。

    Here , jade Guanyin static bottles of holy water , talking to the Castle Peak Emerald moist ravines , pan-green water color .

  6. 其次是在他同佛老学说的论战和对张轼、汪应辰的批判以及对儒释的区别中,在对“主静”之说的修正中对“主敬”的确立及超越。

    The second is the modification of " Quietness " toward " Respectfulness " in his debate with Buddhist and Laoist ideas and in his criticism of Zhang Shi and Wang Yinchen .

  7. 振子共振时其动摩擦系数与静摩擦系数之比降为~0.1。箝位振子的激励电压仅为±80V(峰峰值)。

    When the vibrator is in the resonance state , the ratio of moving friction coeff cient to static one will decrease to-0.1 . The driving voltage of position-gripped vibrator is only ± 80V ( Vp-p ) .

  8. 桩基静载试验之钢铰线锚杆横梁反力装置测试技术的研究与应用

    Testing technique of steel twisted wires anchored reaction set-ups frame for piles static loading test

  9. 试验结果表明,PTFE&花岗石的动、静摩擦系数之差是三种摩擦副中最低的,仅为0.02。

    The results indicate that , of three combinations , the PTFE-granite couple has the smallest difference , only 0.02 , between the kinetic and the static coefficient .

  10. 而PTFE&镀铬铜的动摩擦系数最低(0.067),但其动、静摩擦系数之差最大。

    The combination of PTFE and chromium plating steel , on the other hand , provides a lowest kinetic coefficient , 0.067 , but the largest difference between the kinetic and static coefficient .

  11. 就像把一条桌布从一张桌子上拉开一样,此仪器展示出静者恒静之原理。

    Just like the pulling a tablecloth out from under a fully set table , this demonstration shows that a body at rest tends to remain at rest .

  12. 结果表明,动模量值最大,小循环模量值次之,大循环静模量值再次之,而杨氏模量最小。

    The result shows that dynamic modulus is the largest , small-cycle modulus takes the second place and static modulus of bigger-cycle the third , while Yang 's modulus is the smallest .

  13. 油润滑条件下的静摩擦系数最小,于摩擦时的静摩擦系数次之,蒸馏水润滑时的静摩擦系数最大;

    The static friction coefficient is the lowest under oil lubrication , the highest under distilled water lubrication .