
jìng cí xué
  • magnetostatics
  1. 简单介绍电磁学的基本现象:包含静电学、静磁学、物质的电磁特性。

    Survey of basic electromagnetic phenomena : electrostatics , magnetostatics , electromagnetic properties of matter .

  2. 视觉化教材的部份提供了用来展示不同物理现象的多媒体工具,包括向量场、静电学、静磁学、法拉第定律和光。

    The Visualizations section offers multimedia tools that demonstrate various physical phenomena , including Vector Fields , Electrostatics , Magnetostatics , Faraday 's Law , and Light .

  3. 依据静磁学原理推导出磁力机械密封磁力的计算公式,并结合磁力机械密封的原理,提出了端面比压设计的数学模型。

    The calculation formula for the magnetics within the magnetic mechanical seal was infered on the basis of the static magnetic theory . Meanwhile , the mathematic model for the design of specific pressure for faces was indicated with the reference of the magnetic mechanical seal theory .