
  • 网络static;Static Routing;Static Route;static-route
  1. 没有与给定接口相关联的静态路由。

    No static routes are associated with the given interface .

  2. 没有在中心办事处设定静态路由。

    B.you do not have the static routes configured at the main office .

  3. 本部分简要地介绍了如何构造仅支持静态路由的ESB中介模块。

    This section shows very briefly how to construct an ESB mediation module that supports only static routing .

  4. 目前存在着静态路由、动态路由和缺省路由三种IP路由,本文重点讨论动态路由协议。

    There are three kinds of IP routing-static routing , dynamic routing and default routing . In this paper , I will focus my mind on dynamic routing protocols .

  5. 阐述了IP子网的路由问题,并介绍了用WIN2000Route实现子网互联的静态路由的配置方法。

    Problems about the route of IP subnet are expounded and the allocation method of static route to realize the interconnection of subnet with WIN 2000 Route is introduced .

  6. 然后介绍了静态路由和动态RIPng路由服务在Linux下的实现方法。

    Then it introduces the static route , and that the dynamic RIPng route are implemented under the Linux .

  7. 在基于MPLS的流量工程中,以优化链路带宽使用率为主要考察目标,提出了一种新的静态路由算法。

    In the traffic engineering over MPLS , we present a new static routing algorithm , optimization of the rate of usage of network bandwidth as the main object .

  8. 基于Si基片的平面波导回路技术的阵列波导光栅(AWG)具有两个基本的功能:复用/解复用功能以及静态路由功能。

    The arrayed-waveguide grating ( AWG ) bases on the planar linear circuit technology of Si substrate has two elementary functions : one is multi / demultiplexer , the other is static wavelength router .

  9. 基于DiffServ-over-MPLS技术均衡网络负载的静态路由算法

    Static Routing Algorithm Based on DiffServ-over-MPLS to Balance Load

  10. 对DMZ安全代理服务器使用高级安全模式(默认设置),您需要为安全代理服务器提供一个包含静态路由信息的文件。

    With a DMZ secure proxy server in high security mode ( the default ), you are required to supply a file that contains static routing information to the secure proxy server .

  11. 阐述了虚拟实验的特点和设计原则,通过静态路由和CDP动态路由虚拟实验设计的实例,探讨了使用Router模拟器设计虚拟实验的方法,以及深化理解路由协议的途径。

    States the characteristics and design rules of virtual experiment . By design examples of static route and dynamic route CDP , discusses the design method of virtual experiement with Router simulator and the approach to deepen the understanding for route protocol .

  12. HSRP和VRRP协议均实现了静态路由的热备份,但都没有很好地解决负载均衡的问题。

    All the protocols such as IPSTB , HSRP and VRRP provide the function of redundance for static route , but they don t provide load balance well .

  13. DSDV协议如果不进行分析,设置静态路由,链路断开后,无法自动接入新的网关。

    If we neither analyze nor establish a static routing , after the link disconnected , NOAH and DSDV are unable to connect the new gateway automatically .

  14. 它结合了网络设备的管理功能和路由隔离中的静态路由技术,通过MAC地址的端口绑定和IP-MAC地址绑定实现了对IP地址盗用的有效管理,很好解决了这一困扰网络管理员的管理问题。

    Combining some of the network equipments ' management functions and the static routing technology , this system uses the MAC-port attachment and IP-MAC attachment to realize the effective management of IP address embezzlement . Thus the problem puzzling the management for a long time is well solved .

  15. 全光网中静态路由选择和波长分配的分层图算法

    Layered-graph Algorithm of Static Routing and Wavelength Assignment for Optical Networks

  16. 静态路由波长分配问题的研究与算法实现

    The Study and Realization Algorithm on Routing and Wavelength Assignment Problem

  17. 大规模网络模拟系统中静态路由策略的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Static Routing Mechanisms in Large-Scale Network Simulation

  18. 使静态路由文件与拓扑结构修改保持同步。

    Keep the static routing file in sync with topology changes .

  19. 基于微粒群优化算法的静态路由与波长分配问题求解

    Particle Swarm Optimization Based Solution for Static Routing and Wavelength Assignment Problem

  20. 新型网络规划中的多目标静态路由算法

    A Multi-object Static Routing Algorithm Applied to Modern Network Plan

  21. 静态路由是手工定义的、两网络间的常驻路由。

    A static route is manually defined , permanent route between two networks .

  22. 静态路由热备份及其负载均衡

    Redundancy and Load Balance of Static Route Hottest Word

  23. 在接口上没有找到静态路由。

    No static routes were found for the interface .

  24. 该文提出了一种应用于流量工程环境中的静态路由算法。

    A static routing algorithm which applied in traffic engineering environment is put forward .

  25. 一种可应用于流量工程中的静态路由算法

    A static routing algorithm applied to traffic engineering

  26. 区分服务网络中的静态路由配置优化算法

    Static Routing Algorithm in DiffServ Service Networks

  27. 编辑静态路由文件。

    Edit the static routing file .

  28. 修改一个永久静态路由。

    Modifies a persistent static route .

  29. 研究中主要涉及的技术有:1、静态路由表算法;

    The main technology included in the research : 1 ~ st static routing table algorithm ;

  30. 某些情况下,必须手动修改自动生成的静态路由信息。

    In some cases , you have to manually alter the automatically generated static routing information .