
  • 网络Electrostatic sensitivity
  1. 介绍了真实静电感度测试方法及其数据处理方法。

    The real electrostatic sensitivity test method and its data processing method are briefly introduced .

  2. 就监视安定度,静电感度和摩擦感度而言,这些推进剂是可作为军用的。

    The propellants are acceptable for military purposes as relates to surveillance , electrostatic sensitivity and friction sensitivity .

  3. 105电火帽的真实静电感度测试

    Real Electrostatic Sensitivity Tests for 105 Electric Primers

  4. 介绍了固定间隙和渐近间隙两种静电感度仪的特征。

    This article presents the characteristics of sensors of fixed gap and asymptotic gap .

  5. 两种静电感度仪研究

    Study on Two Kinds of Electrostatic Sensors

  6. 覆铜钢壳电雷管中起爆药和药头静电感度初探

    The Primary Study of the Static Electric Sensitivity of Initial Explosive and Fuse Head in Coppor Clad Steel Case Electric Detonator

  7. 由于静电感度试验是相对感度,可根据不同的要求,采用不同的仪器进行试验,都可得到评价药剂抗静电能力的判据。

    Criteria of antistatic ability of any composition shall be gained and evaluated by different sensors according to different requirement as a result of sensitivity to be tested .

  8. 从能量消耗的观点出发,提出了通过测试电点火具静电感度,间接确定静电放电火花隙等效电阻的方法。

    In the view of energy , the testing method is put forward that determines the equipment resistance of spark discharge channel indirectly with the aid of electrostatic sensitivity test of electroexplosive device .

  9. 简要介绍了几种典型电火工品的静电感度,从发生静电危害所具备的3个条件出发,讨论了电火工品的防静电措施。

    This paper introduces electrostatic sensitivity of several typical EED , discusses some anti electrostatic measures of EED in terms of that it should meet the three conditions at the same time in an ESD accident .

  10. 文摘:简要介绍了电火工品真实静电感度的测试方法,以导电药式电火工品静电临界点火能量服从对数正态分布为基础,给出了对应的数据处理方法。

    Abstract : this paper briefly introduces the method of testing the real sensitivity for EED and gives the data processing method in terms of the electrostatic critical ignition energy of conductive-powder EED conforming to logarithmic normal distribution .

  11. 含锆粉的推进剂比含铝粉的推进剂密度比冲高约20%,但是锆粉的静电感度非常高,在空气中很容易自燃或爆炸,因此改善其静电感度是本次研究的重点。

    This kind of propellant contains zirconium powders is 20 percent higher than that contains aluminum powders . However , the electrostatic sensitivity of zirconium powders is very high . It easily spontaneous combusts and explodes in the air .

  12. 文中在对静电感度实验数据分析研究的基础上,提出了静电感度分布遵从对数正态分布规律,根据这种分布模型求得的静电感度理论值与实验值很好符合。

    Based on an analysis of the experimental data it is here proposed that distribution of the electrostatic sensitivity follows a logarithmic normal distribution . It is further shown that the values calculated on the basis of the proposed model of distribution agree well with the experimental results .

  13. RDX与Al混合体系的静电火花感度研究

    Research on Electrostatic Spark Sensitivity of RDX-Al in the Process of Roller Mixing

  14. 对CL-18单质做了撞击感度、摩擦感度和静电火花感度实验,结论是CL-18单质样品的撞击感度和特屈尔近似。

    The impact sensitivity of CL-18 is similar to that of Tetryl .

  15. 热扩散率随老化时间增加而增大,但在低湿环境条件下,静电火花感度随老化时间增加而升高。

    The electrostatic spark sensitivity of ignition composition increases with the increasing of aging time under the condition of low humidity surroundings .

  16. 研究认为:无木炭黑火药的机械感度、静电火花感度、爆发点比普通黑火药低,而且安全性好,做功能力强,输出稳定性高。

    The results indicate that the mechanical sensitivity , static electricity sensibility and ignition temperature of charcoal-free black powder is lower than that of ordinary black powder , and the safety ability , working capacity and output stability of charcoal-free black powder is higher than that of ordinary black powder .