
  • 网络static and dynamic load test
  1. 既有拱桥的静动载试验与分析

    Static and Dynamic Load Test and Analysis of Existing Arch Bridge

  2. 珠海大桥静动载试验及成果分析

    The static and dynamic load test on Zhuhai bridge and the study of the conclusion

  3. 56m跨度PC箱形简支梁静动载试验及分析

    Static and dynamic test and analysis for PC simple supported box girder of 56m span

  4. 津滨轻轨跨度50m简支钢-混凝土结合梁静动载试验

    Static and Dynamic Loading Tests of 50m Simply Supported Steel-Concrete Beam Used in Construction of Tianjin-Binhai Light Rail Line

  5. 并且利用MIDAS软件,进行了模拟,用静动载试验数据进行修正模型以期得到与实际相符合的状态。

    And use of MIDAS software , a simulation of static and dynamic load with test data correction model and the actual expects to get fit with the state .

  6. 成桥静动载试验及分析

    Static and Dynamic Loading Experiment and Analysis of Built Bridge

  7. 芜湖长江大桥成桥静动载试验

    Static and Dynamic Loading Test of Wuhu Yangtze River Bridge

  8. 安庆长江公路大桥静动载试验研究

    Analysis of Static and Dynamical Test of Anqing Changjiang River Highway Bridge

  9. 城市立交桥匝道曲线梁静动载试验

    Static and dynamic test of curve girder bream of urban grade separation bridge ramp

  10. 桥梁静动载试验应变测量新技术

    The new technology of strain - measurement for bridge static - dynamic load testing

  11. Ⅱ型钢纤维混凝土轨枕的生产及室内静动载试验

    Producing and indoor experiments of ⅱ type steel fiber concrete sleeper under dead and fatigue load

  12. 伊犁河特大桥静动载试验分析与探讨

    The analysis and discussion on the moves and static load experiments of the Yili river Bridge

  13. 哈尔滨四方台斜拉桥成桥静动载试验研究

    Study of Static and Dynamic Load Tests for Sifangtai Cable-Stayed Bridge , Harbin at Completion Stage

  14. 主要的工作如下:1、进行1:4两跨预应力混凝土连续箱梁的室内模型静动载试验。

    Dynamic and static tests on the scaled 1:4 model bridge with the two spans were conducted .

  15. 夯扩桩承载力估算值与静动载试验值的比较

    Bearing Capacity Comparison Between the Evaluation Value of Rammed Pedestal Pile and One of the Side Test

  16. 变截面斜弯箱梁桥的静动载试验与研究

    Research on the static-load test and move-load test of the variable cross-section diagonal bowlegged box girder bridge

  17. 简要阐述津滨轻轨静动载试验研究的目的、内容、试验荷载与加载方法,重点给出三跨连续钢混结合梁的静动载试验结果。

    The results of the dynamic and static load test of a three-span continuous reinforced concrete combined beam are described .

  18. 该文综述了桥梁静动载试验检测方法,及其主要工作内容和发展方向。

    The article comprehends the static and dynamic load test detecting methods of bridge , and the main working contents and development orientation .

  19. 成桥静动载试验表明许沟大桥主拱结构具有足够的强度和刚度,达到了设计要求。

    The results of dynamic-load and dead-load test of the bridge indicate that the main arch has enough strength and rigidity and reachs design requirements .

  20. 目前,桥梁结构性能的检测与评价技术有基于表观病害检测分析、静动载试验分析等很多的方法体系。

    Currently , the methods of bridge structure ability examination and structure evaluating are mainly based on apparent disease examination and static or dynamic load test .

  21. 文章以一座单塔单索面竖琴式预应力混凝土桥为例,详述了静动载试验的原理、方法、过程、测试项目、试验工况等。

    Taking the single pylon single cable plane pre-stressed concrete cable-stayed bridge as example , the paper discusses the principle , methods , testing items , and experiment conditions , etc.

  22. 静动载试验系对成桥后的桥梁承载能力与性能进行鉴定最为直接的方法之一,但试验中的具体方法、控制参数等均应因桥而异。

    Static and moving load experiment is one of the most direct methods to identify the load bearing capacity and performance of bridge , and detailed methods and control parameters are different for different bridges .

  23. 为此在2004年年底通车前对该桥进行了静动载试验和加固。

    The site inspection , field tests and reinforcement were carried out on the bridge before it was open to traffic in 2004.The static and dynamic tests , analytical studies and reinforcement schemes on the No.

  24. 在桥梁静动载试验时,如何减小应变测试中的各种干扰因素,提高检测效率和测量数据的可信度,是长期以来工程师们一直在苦苦探索的问题。

    During the bridge static-dynamic testing , how to decrease various interfering factors , and to improve the degree of reliability for efficiency of detection and measured value , is the problem that was explored by engineers for many years .

  25. 通过对一座多种结构型式构成,设计荷载等级差异较大的拱桥的静动载试验研究,鉴定了其实际承载能力及使用性能,判别了其对既有交通状况的适应性。

    Through study on static and dynamic test of a arch bridge with multi-structure type composition , greater difference of design load degree the paper appraises the actual bearing capacity and use performance , distinguishes its adaptability for the existing traffic condition .

  26. 通过对该桥加固施工全过程监测、监控数据分析,及加固后进行的静动载试验数据分析,说明加固后的桥梁达到了预期效果。

    Through full-procedure supervision of the reinforcement of the bridge , the analysis of the supervision data and analysis of the static and dynamic load test data after reinforcement , it is proved that the reinforced bridge has lived up to the expected standard .

  27. 本文主要对深圳大学城市政工程15m+32m+15m预弯钢&混凝土组合连续梁桥的施工工艺、施工过程和成桥静动载试验进行了总结。

    In this thesis , the construction of composite continuous beams by preflex steel and concrete ( 15 + 32 + 15m ) in the municipal engineering of Shenzhen University is summarized in construction technology , construction process , bridge static loading and dynamic loading test .

  28. 预制静压桩静动载现场试验分析

    Analysis of in-situ static and dynamic load tests for precast static pressure pile

  29. 介绍对该主桥进行的理论分析与静、动载试验研究,并将试验结果与理论分析结果作了比较。

    Theory analysis and static and dynamic test of the bridge are introduced in this paper .

  30. 介绍了该桥匝道小半径曲线梁的理论分析和静、动载试验的方法和结果,并将试验结果与理论分析结果进行比较。

    The method and result of theory analysis , and static and dynamic test were introduced .