
  • 网络Business Story
  1. 下一阶段,那些已经被证明会成为最有趣的生活记忆的商业故事,它们已经开始了。

    The next phase of what has turned out to be the most interesting business story in living memory has begun .

  2. 通过清晰地展现出价值所在,讲述一个扣人心弦的商业故事,解答股东们难缠的问题,我们就可以在这场严峻的比赛中成为有价值的选手。

    By clearly showing value , telling a compelling business story and answering tough questions from stakeholders , we become valued players in a serious game .

  3. 对于谷歌而言,进军主流广告市场可能代表着谷歌大戏的第二幕(ActTwo)这出大戏已成为近年来最成功的商业故事之一。

    For Google , the push into mainstream advertising markets could represent Act Two of what has already become one of the biggest business stories of recent years .

  4. 通常情况下,如果一个体育新闻或商业故事被认为是受到普遍重视或欢迎的,那么它们都会被放到主要的新闻版面上面。

    Normally , if a sports story or a business story is considered to be of importance or interest to all readers , it will be placed on the main news pages .

  5. 虽然他没有盖乐世Note7,但他的反应反映出韩国人对三星怀有的典型的强烈感情。三星是这个国家从遭战争破坏的农耕国家转变为全球经济强国过程中出现的最激动人心的商业成功故事。

    Though he does not own a Galaxy Note 7 , his reaction was typical of the intense feelings South Koreans hold toward Samsung , the most dramatic corporate success story to emerge from the country 's transformation from a war-torn agrarian nation to a global economic powerhouse .

  6. 大多数商业成功故事之所以会成功,并不是白费力气做重复工作,而是带头冲锋让现有的事业变得更好。

    What makes most success stories in business is not totally reinventing the wheel , but leading the charge to make the current wheel better .

  7. 轭式搭配是经常出现在日常谈话、商业广告及故事、小说中的一种修辞格。

    Zeugma is a figure of speech used frequently in our daily conversation , commercial ads , stories and novels .

  8. 讲述极具借鉴意义的国外的具有创新精神的商业模式和运作故事。

    Highlighting innovative business models and operating examples outside China that are of reference value .

  9. 中国银行业的华丽转身,是过去十年间最令人瞩目的商业改革与复兴故事之一。

    One of the most remarkable stories of business reform and revival over the past decade has been the turnround in the Chinese banking sector .