
  1. 中国学生代表参加了壳牌集团近日在亚太地区开展的一个新型商业模拟挑战项目,壳牌借这一项目努力招募和培养亚洲的未来商业人才。

    Royal Dutch Shell plc ( Shell ) has run an innovative Asia Pacific-wide business game involving students from China as part of its efforts to find and develop future Asian business talent .

  2. 王子托管基金的首席执行官玛蒂娜•米尔伯恩(MartinaMilburn)表示:英国培养出了全球最具天赋的商业人才,但在投资年轻人才方面,英国有可能落在人后。

    Martina Milburn , chief executive of the Prince 's Trust , said : The UK has produced some of the world 's most talented business people but it risks falling behind when it comes to investing in young talent .

  3. 复合型创新商业人才的内涵分析

    The Connotation Analysis of Innovative Compounding Business Talents

  4. 如何塑造高级应用型商业人才

    How to Cultivate Senior Applied Commercial Personals

  5. 情报官员表示,弗兰科夫是一个有经济学位的商业人才,而非保安专家。

    He is a business specialist with an economics degree rather than a security expert , the officials said .

  6. 在今日西方世界,我们所有的是极具创造力的商业人才,他们需要出行十分方便。

    What we have in the western world today is hugely creative business people who need to be very mobile .

  7. 为实现我们的愿景,培育第一流的商业人才,并致力发掘员工才干和潜能,更好传递商业价值,领励信守以下价值观:追求卓越:精益求精,超越客户期望。

    To forge top-tiered talent and unleash the potential of our people to the fullest to achieve the above , we believe : Excellence : Get better from the best .

  8. 英国退欧的不确定性,令人很难确定英国能否保持其作为吸引最优秀年轻商业人才(像埃斯泰拉这种学生)的全球磁石的地位。

    The uncertainties of Brexit make it hard to determine whether the UK can continue to hold on to its status as a global draw for the brightest young business minds - students such as Estella .

  9. 国有商业银行人才激励反馈因果结构模型及其分析

    Personnel Incentive Feedback Causal Model of State-run Commercial Bank and Its Analysis

  10. 大学英语教学如何促进现代商业职业人才培养目标的实现

    On College English Teaching Promoting the Cultivation of Modern Business Vocational Talents

  11. 职位激励运用于商业银行人才竞争的研究

    On the Application of Post Incentives in Commercial Bank

  12. 国有商业银行人才机制定位与改革路径取向

    On the Location of the Financial Personnel Mechanism and the Reform Orientation in the State-owned Commercial Banks

  13. 国有商业银行人才激励机制的探讨

    Study on Human Resources Incentive Mechanism of State-Owned Banks Banking Highlights My Humble Opinion about the Talents

  14. 无须讳言,这样一所学校的主要功能就是要培养出更热心于商业的人才。

    We need not flinch from the assertion that the main function of such a school is to produce men with a greater zest for business .

  15. 正是缺乏市场竞争力和改革滞后的薪酬与激励体系导致了我国商业银行人才流失、经营管理滞后,已经成为我国银行业人力资源管理必须解决的迫在眉睫的问题。

    It was lack of marketability and salary and the motivation behind the reform of the system led to our brain drain and commercial bank management staff is lagging .

  16. 如何进一步健全国有商业银行人才机制,对于促进我国国有商业银行人力资源管理水平和人才国际竞争能力的提高,有着极其重要的意义。

    State-owned commercial banks have to adjust and perfect talented person mechanism , which plays an important role in improving human resource management and enhancing the international competitive ability of talented person .

  17. 该调查报告于12日发布,对全球最有竞争力的城市进行了排名,这些城市在过去的一年里表现出了强势的吸引投资、商业、人才和游客的能力。

    Released today , the report , entitled Hot Spots , ranks the most competitive cities in the world for their demonstrated ability to attract capital , business , talent and tourists .

  18. 柏林墙倒塌之后,“共同价值观在一个平台上汇聚”的全球化步伐加快了,相应地,能“解码”自由市场和美国商业模式人才的市场需求也加大了。

    When the pace of globalisation - " the coming together on a platform of common values " - picked up after the fall of the Berlin Wall , so did the demand for people capable of decoding free markets and the US business model .

  19. 我国入世后商业科技与人才开发

    The Development of Business Science and Technology and Personnel After China Joining the WTO

  20. 与此同时,商业银行的人才竞争也是日益激烈。

    At the same time , the competition of talents becomes more and more fierce .

  21. 商业经济管理人才的素质培养

    Quality Cultivation of Business Management Talents

  22. 实际上,许多高管同时在多家公司董事会任职,这只会让商业领袖的人才库日益枯竭。

    The fact that many executives serve on multiple boards only reinforces the narrowness of the business leader pool .

  23. 短期而言,培养出牛顿和克里克二人的研究基地会培养出能够推动商业创新的人才。

    In the short term , a research base that spawned both Newton and Crick produces people who can drive innovation in business .

  24. 这种多元化的教育形式不仅很好地满足了当时社会对于商业美术设计人才的需求,也很好地促进了当时上海整体商业美术设计水平的提高。

    These educational forms not only satisfied the requirement then , but also raised the general level of commercial art design then in Shanghai .

  25. 他补充说:企业需要的是能够整合各种信息,并将其用于解决商业问题的人才。就连我们公司也存在这个问题。

    Companies need people who can synthesize information and apply it to business problems . I see this even at our own firm , he adds .

  26. 这项排名是基于腾讯研究院提供的数据,考量了创业公司的数量、商业环境和人才支持等因素得出的。

    The ranking was based on data provided by Tencent Research Institute , taking into account such factors as the number of start-ups , business environment and talent support .

  27. 外资银行的进入,导致了国有商业银行优秀人才,尤其是知识型员工的流失,这些优秀人才的加入将使外资银行的竞争如虎添翼。

    The entry of foreign banks leads to the loss of outstanding talent , especially the loss of knowledge staff . The join of these talents will make foreign banks more competitive .

  28. 为了防止企业的商业秘密因人才的流动而被侵犯,现代企业通常采取与劳动者签订竞业禁止协议的方式保护其商业秘密。

    For the defense of the business secrets by the flowing of labors , the modern enterprises usually contract with the employer in the context of the non-competition to protect the business secret .

  29. 现代商业社会,人才流动频繁,随之而来的商业秘密泄露现象也就愈发突出,竞业禁止顺势成为保护商业秘密的重要手段。

    In modern commercial society , rapid flow of qualified personnel creates the increasingly serious problem of leaked trade secrets , which explains why restraint of competition acts an important role in protecting trade secrets .

  30. 他将与麦克唐纳一起,在管理方面发挥积极作用(两人有着十年的紧密合作经历),参与对创新、商业组织及人才培养的审议。

    He expected to play an active role in management with Mr McDonald , with whom he has worked closely for a decade , participating in reviews of innovation , business organisation and talent development .