
  1. 就像美国婴儿潮一代(babyboomers)的年轻人一样,她们认为到处都在涨工资。

    Like American baby boomers in their youth , they assume a pay rise is around every corner .

  2. 他有一次组织10万名汽车俱乐部会员出行,到邻近上海的杭州吃螃蟹。就连美国婴儿潮时期人士也会惊叹这样的壮举。

    He once organised an outing for 100,000 car club members to eat crab in nearby Hangzhou – a feat that even US baby boomers would marvel at .

  3. 甘多菲尼在《黑道家族》中成功刻画了一个非常矛盾但又善于自省的黑手党大佬形象。这部剧不仅开辟了美剧的一个黄金时代,获得了普遍的赞誉,也反映出正在日渐老去的美国“婴儿潮”一代焦虑的内心。

    Gandolfini 's portrayal of a deeply conflicted but introspective mob boss was monumental in several ways : It not only launched a golden age for scripted television dramas , garnering universal praise , but it also tapped into the anxious psyche of the aging American baby boomer .